America’s Frontline Doctors Files Lawsuit Against Kaiser Permanente – IOTW Report

America’s Frontline Doctors Files Lawsuit Against Kaiser Permanente

AFLDS: San Diego, CA – Attorney John Howard and Davillier Law Group, with support from America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) filed a Complaint on Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against Kaiser Permanente, one of the U.S.’s largest health care organizations. The lawsuit challenges Kaiser’s mandate that all 217,000 employees be vaccinated by September 30, 2021 or be placed on unpaid leave. Employees have until December 1, 2021 or they will be terminated. Over 4,000 employees have reached out to America’s Frontline Doctors for civil rights assistance.

AFLDS has been outspoken that COVID vaccine mandates are both illegal as a matter of law and unsafe as a matter of science. They are illegal because the shots do not stop transmission of Delta and therefore are personal treatment choices only. They are unsafe because they cause the vaccinated to become super-spreaders with extremely high viral loads and because the vaccinated become more critically ill with a higher rate of hospitalization and death than the unvaccinated. In addition, there are far more effective and safer treatments used all over the world. For example, the nation of India has declared its largest state with 240 million population “Covid-free” with a very low vaccination rate but a very high ivermectin usage rate.

AFLDS Litigation Director Mike Hamilton applauds the filing in California this morning, stating “It’s about time that health care workers, and all workers, be given choice over their bodies – there are alternatives.” AFLDS Associate Medical Director Dr. Richard Amerling reinforced the point by stating, “The shots do not stop viral transmission, and it has been shown throughout the world that there are safe and effective alternatives therapies.”

Kaiser Permanente asserts that it is merely following CDC guidelines. The CDC does not have the authority to mandate that all individuals be vaccinated, which has left the opening for many organizations like Kaiser to threaten “no jab, no job.” But as the largest healthcare employer in the nation, Kaiser wields enormous power, and it turns out there is an incestuous relationship between Kaiser and the policy decision-makers who are supposed to be acting independently. The Complaint reveals that the CDC and FDA are working in lock-step with Kaiser to mandate vaccines. MORE

4 Comments on America’s Frontline Doctors Files Lawsuit Against Kaiser Permanente

  1. That was the purpose of Obamacare, to rob the American people and put money in their pockets. Insurance companies were all in for more money.
    If we hang all the American Trators at once it could be, “Nooses across America”.

  2. Hey Wizards of Smart at Kaiser, when you discover you were not in the Placebo group after all, who’s gonna take care of you, the doctors you fired because they refused to take Doctor Fauci’s Gene Pool Bleach?


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