America’s Second Civil War – IOTW Report

America’s Second Civil War

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Dennis Prager

[…] There are those on both the left and right who call for American unity. But these calls are either naive or disingenuous. Unity was possible between the right and liberals, but not between the right and the left.

Classic Liberalism — which was anti-left, pro-American and deeply committed to the Judeo-Christian foundations of America; and which regarded the melting pot as the American ideal, fought for free speech for its opponents, regarded Western civilization as the greatest moral and artistic human achievement and viewed the celebration of racial identity as racism — is now affirmed almost exclusively on the right and among a handful of people who don’t call themselves conservative.

The left, however, is opposed to every one of those core principles of liberalism.”


9 Comments on America’s Second Civil War

  1. When you have the streets filled with roaming gangs of thugs which at one time were nothing more than kids that never got their ass whipped when the deserved it, and now think it is their God given right to impose their will on those of us who don’t live in our parent’s basement and still suck tit. It’s about time to take up arms and give them the lesson of their lives!

  2. “But given increasing left-wing violence, such as riots”
    If you consider BLM part of this group, and the assholes targeting Trump voters the violences is already here, one sided as it may be.
    I’ve been predicting for a while there will another level of ccw. Ex military, retired LEO, trainers, people that meet a certain amount of training. Well today some guy from New Mexico submitted a Bill establishing “Enhanced” permit holders. It will happen.

  3. In the 1960s, I, and most of the people who comment here, would have been characterized as liberals. There were some differences, but at the core we believe in equality of opportunity, reduced government interference, the Bill of Rights, and equal protection.

    The left has coopted the term liberal. Leftists do not believe in any of the things listed above, although they give lip service to equal protection. The left believes in the power of government over all things, hates the concept of freedom to choose one’s own course in life, hates the concept of private property rights, and seeks to build a power base by convincing segments of our society that they have been disenfranchised. Leftists appeal to human greed; we will take from the successful and give to those who are less successful if only you give us unlimited power.

    These are disgusting and hypocritical people. They denigrate any so-called aggrieved person who sees the light and leaves the left. They seek power and wealth only for themselves, and will not under any circumstances give it up. Does anyone really think Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren will relinquish their station in life “for the greater good?” Of course not – they want to use the brute force of government to obtain power and wealth for themselves. If you are middle class or lower, you are a fool to believe otherwise.

    Trump’s inauguration address was not concilatory or bipartisan – he threw down the gauntlet. This is what this country needs, and I believe what most Americans actually want.

  4. Don’t understand why these gangs are allowed to carry on and throw water (which could have been acid) at people going into a inauguration gathering. I don’t understand how gangs can shout at people and stalk them when going to work (the video i saw of lou dobbs)….why are the gangs allowed to do this and no one stops them. If it were me i would have either spayed pepper spray in their open pie hole while shouting and watch them choke or pulled my gun out and faced them head on and if they came close to me i would shoot them in leg and yell i am in fear of my life. It’s classy to see people not reacting when being assaulted but dear God what I’ve seen requires a reaction.

  5. The Bolshevist Revolution of 1917 had its roots in the reforms of the 1860s.
    The American Civil War had its roots in America’s Foundation.
    yada, yada, yada …
    Socialists (who call themselves anything but – e.g. Demonrats, Leftists, Progressives, Liberals, Greens, Environmentalists, Moderates, Anarchists, Independents, Libertarians, …) are, fundamentally, cowards and lickspittles. The essence of socialism is the subservience of the self to the swarm; to do the bidding of the Master; to worship the anointed one, reject God, and goose-step to the drumbeat of others. Thus, like a snake without a head, they writhe and contort, spew their venom incoherently and ineffectually, until such time that the new head is grown and assumes command. They await the financial tsunami (which they designed and executed with the assent of greedy politicians and Wall Street Maggots) which will hit as surely as the Sun rises in the East, and attempt to emerge supreme from the ashes.

    Thus has it always been – see Russia, Germany, Italy, China, Yugoslavia, Albania, Chechnya, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the long-suffering continent of Africa, our brown brothers to the South, &c., &c., &c.

    When they attempt an outright takeover, they’re generally repulsed, because even the dumbest among us know that it’s a stupid concept – that only slaves (and slavers) embrace slavery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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