“America’s Worst Mayor” Tiffany Henyard Boots Citizens from Meeting, Town Cuts Access to City Credit Cards – IOTW Report

“America’s Worst Mayor” Tiffany Henyard Boots Citizens from Meeting, Town Cuts Access to City Credit Cards


The Gateway Pundit reported that Dolton, Illinois, Mayor Tiffany Henyard is under FBI investigation for abusing her power after she shut down businesses that didn’t donate to her campaign.

According to Dolton citizens, Henyard uses local police to target businesses that don’t contribute to her.

She has also been accused of stealing charitable funds and even using taxpayer dollars for personal use.

No wonder residents call her the “worst mayor in America.”

Dolton residents have swarmed public meetings to demand accountability, which seems to send Henyard into an angry frenzy. more

16 Comments on “America’s Worst Mayor” Tiffany Henyard Boots Citizens from Meeting, Town Cuts Access to City Credit Cards

  1. The problem I have with black conservatives is. It give a false sense that they can change. But the reality is that 90% are dumb violent animals . They elected her because is one them.

  2. She be representin’. Although an extreme example of abuse, it is not unusual for “people of color”, when granted a little power, to flaunt it. These types enjoy attention, are loud and proud and, regardless of the insignificance of their position in the big picture, see themselves as all powerful and important (remember David Dinkins). . This is especially true with females. And, unfortunately, many see it as an opportunity to enrich themselves personally. It remind one of Steve Martin in the movie, “The Jerk” – Be Simebody.

  3. If Sister Kamala wins, we will see this corruption on a national scale, only worse. White people will not be safe anywhere. They will be attacked, and the Afro-centric government will protect and encourage the attackers. Chaos will ensue.

  4. That word was invented for a reason. Jim Crow and segregation happened for a good reason. You do not want to hand over real power to any N piece of shit. Blue cities are living proof of this fact.


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