Amid Coronavirus, Democrat Party Takes Aim at School Choice – IOTW Report

Amid Coronavirus, Democrat Party Takes Aim at School Choice


The Democratic Party’s 2020 education platform includes the elimination of private school vouchers, which are popular with many parents—especially blacks and Latinos—amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In the official 2020 Democratic Party Platform, the party argues that private school vouchers “divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system.” Yet a poll commissioned by the American Federation for Children found that most voters—including 82 percent of Latinos and 68 percent of blacks—support using taxpayer dollars to send their children to a school that “best serves their needs,” public or private. COVID-19 has exacerbated the divide between the Democratic platform and public opinion: In an August poll of Oklahoma parents, 63 percent said that they should be allowed to send their children, along with their tax dollars, to the school of their choice if public schools do not open.

The explicit call to eliminate vouchers goes further than the party’s previous platforms. While the Democratic Party’s official platform in 2012 supported strengthening public schools to lower the dropout rate of minority and low-income students, it did not attack private school vouchers, which 57 percent of Latinos and 69 percent of black Americans support, according to two polls.

School choice advocates have criticized the new platform, saying that it hurts those it is intended to help. Kayla Svedin, the founder of the school choice group Empowered Arizona Families, told the Washington Free Beacon that Democrats like vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris need to realize the importance of voucher programs. more

3 Comments on Amid Coronavirus, Democrat Party Takes Aim at School Choice

  1. With all due respect, Anonymous, producing happy kids is not the goal. Creating God-fearing, functional, fearless kids is the goal. We homeschool, but we are not pandering to the children God gave us. We are training the adults they will become. If Jesus doesn’t return soon, my three kids will be helping to rebuild western civilization, and I want them to be ready for the task. The idiots you see rioting everywhere where promised happiness and free crap. Strange how disappointed they are, eh?

  2. “In the official 2020 Democratic Party Platform, the party argues that private school vouchers ‘divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system.’”

    Uh, yeah. It’s ironic that dumpocraps would admit that. They think they own taxpayer’s money and can do what they want with it without anybody noticing or caring.


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