Amid evidence of scripted campaigning, questions about Biden mental stamina, acuity multiply – IOTW Report

Amid evidence of scripted campaigning, questions about Biden mental stamina, acuity multiply

Just The News:

Democratic nominee Joe Biden is drawing fire for what appear to be carefully staged campaign events in which he does not seem willing or able to answer questions in an offhand or impromptu manner. This has led some critics to question his mental stamina and acuity as a candidate seeking the most powerful office in the world.

President Trump on Thursday chided rival Biden for a nearly seven-second delay in Biden’s answer to a video question from a barista in a virtual AFL-CIO Labor Day event. Unable to immediately answer the barista’s question, Biden delayed and struggled to find words, instructing an off-camera handler: “Move it up here.” It was an apparent request for a more rapid scroll down inside the teleprompter script.  more

15 Comments on Amid evidence of scripted campaigning, questions about Biden mental stamina, acuity multiply

  1. Move it up here…

    C’mon man!

    Dog face… pony… whatsa…

    I don’t know…

    What’s that?

    You know, Joe. You know the THING! The THING, Joe. That’s the thing.

    (Joe’s looking at the THING.)

  2. Dementia Joe must be pacing himself for the Big Event. Poor Joey is on a glide path that will find him swimming in the Potomac River if he gets too far away from his teleprompter. Most of Obiden’s supporters hate Trump more than they love him. They would vote for anyone at this point.

  3. I know people here and on other forums like this as well as those who pursue alternative news sources instead of the MSM on television are widely aware of this, but my question is:

    How widespread among the general population of voters is this information and how many of them discuss it with others? How widely disseminated is this thinking in the general public?

    Because that is where the election will be decided, in the consciousness of the general voting public. Preaching to the choir doesn’t spread the word and do much good, evangelizing the entire population is what counts.

    How well is this being done?

  4. Anon

    It is NOT widespread in the MSM.
    Older folks that based their world vision on what good old Cronkite told them have not lost their confidence in the letter networks, no matter how outrageously inaccurate they have become.

  5. Brett Bair of news should have come right out and asked if No Where Man Joe had the questions in advance, with the answers posted on the teleprompter.
    Instead, he kinda sorta danced around the subject.

  6. The more he appears in public, the worse he gets. He will be replaced sooner than later, The Dimwits are all passengers on the Titanic or the zeppelin Hindenberg at Lakehurst N.J.

  7. So “Hiding Biden” is bitching about CEO’s salaries……

    that in 30 years have increased from 58x the average workers salaries… 278x the average workers salaries……

    I don’t know what happened “Hiding” and neither do you but…..

    I do know that you were high up in our government when it happened all those years……

    So “Hiding”…….why did you let it happen…..what was your payoff…..?

  8. My current favorite conspiracy theory is that it’s all an act. A rope-a-dope. Joe is just playing dumb to catch Don off-guard, then, at the debates, he will spring like a coiled rattlesnake. 🙂 “it’s a trap!” -Admiral Akbar

  9. You know you gotta wonder when Biden gives a speech with a mask on, are they pre-recorded and does he just move his mouth behind the mask to make it look like he is really speaking????


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