Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman – IOTW Report

Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman

New American: In a highly controversial speech in South Africa, a nation on the brink of catastrophe amid racist land grabs and brutal massacres that experts have linked to the ruling regime, former U.S. President Barack Obama showered praises on President Cyril Ramaphosa (shown here with Obama) and other highly controversial figures. The adulation poured out on Ramaphosa went far beyond normal diplomatic courtesy. In fact, Obama claimed the radical left-wing strongman, who is right now leading the charge to steal land from minority farmers without compensation, was “inspiring new hope in this great country.” In reality, critics say he is driving it over the edge of a cliff.

Perhaps even more alarming, Obama appeared to praise Ramaphosa’s dangerous efforts to supposedly reduce inequality in South Africa — efforts that mimic the disastrous land-expropriation schemes pursued in neighboring Zimbabwe by genocidal Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe that practically destroyed the nation. Touting the Marxist Goal 10 in the United Nations Agenda 2030 scheme, which calls for national and international wealth redistribution, Obama told the crowd in Johannesburg that “we’re going to have to figure out how do we close this widening chasm of wealth and opportunity both within countries and between them.” MORE

16 Comments on Amid Racist Land Grabs, Obama Praises South African Strongman

  1. The halfrican queen doesn’t give a rat’s ruptured ass for any of the whites in So. Africa! I suspect that he revels in the murders and the land thefts, as Beachmom suggests.

    We have white friends in the safari business there. Needless to say, we’re worried about them.

    Dark Ages loom again, this time at the hands of the feral humans.

  2. Obama revealed himself

    “Touting the Marxist Goal 10 in the United Nations Agenda 2030 scheme, which calls for national and international wealth redistribution, Obama told the crowd in Johannesburg that “we’re going to have to figure out how do we close this widening chasm of wealth and opportunity both within countries and between them.”

  3. seriously, did anyone really think he didn’t want to steal all white-owned property to distribute to “HIS PEOPLE” if he got the chance?????

    he thinks THEY have the chance….so DO IT!!!

    democrats think nothing of taking your income and giving it to their supporters…it’s just what they do….it’s what they have ALWAYS done….

    democrats – the party of slavery….these days, that means working people paying out the ass to support not working people……color has nothing to do with modern slavery….it’s just a matter of who has money they can steal…..that is the working person, regardless of sex or gender or color…

    if you earn a paycheck, you are a slave, through income tax,to everyone who collects “benefits” “from the government”

    they collect their “benefits” from YOU…..YOU are enslaved to THEM….they get paid for YOUR WORK….

    this is not racist or sexist or anythingist – it’s just TRUE…..earn a paycheck, and watch your pay be stolen and given to people who didn’t earn it….
    any tax on income or property is unconstitutional, if you actually READ the constitution….unfortunately, we have been cursed with supreme courts that ruled otherwise….with a bit of luck, we could find our way to a SCOTUS that decides otherwise………

    even if it benefits THE DONALD, think how much not having to pay income tax or property tax would benefit YOU!!!!


  4. Still meddling in other countries, I see. I thought Barky was going to be trainin’ the next generation of community activists here, not sucking genocidal racist cock over there.


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