Amistad Project argues in new report that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone – IOTW Report

Amistad Project argues in new report that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone

Illegal conduct by state and local officials during the election process can alter the deadlines for choosing electors.

5 Comments on Amistad Project argues in new report that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone

  1. You can argue anything you want to argue on paper, but the only arguments that are of any importance are those argued in Court and the only ones of those that mean anything legally are those the Court agrees with and rules in favor of.

    There is a huge distance between writing an argument on paper and obtaining a favorable ruling in the Supreme Court that will hae any effect.

  2. But if the shoe were on the other foot, the courts, following the media lead, would order changes in the electoral college deadlines in the interests of securing trust and the integrity of our democratic processes.


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