Amtrak watchdog says $41 million purchase of Delaware building based on ‘faulty assumptions’ – IOTW Report

Amtrak watchdog says $41 million purchase of Delaware building based on ‘faulty assumptions’


Amtrak’s purchase of a building in Wilmington, Delaware for a massive $41 million was based on “significant yet faulty assumptions,” according to the agency’s internal watchdog which criticized the purchase in a report.

The Amtrak Office of Inspector General said that the purchase of the building for a Unified Operations Center (UOC) program in President Biden’s home state was “largely premised on two significant yet faulty assumptions.”

Those assumptions were, first, that it could centralize its dispatch and police teams, while also bringing in its IT personnel from leased offices. The second, linked assumption, was that the purchase would save money to the tune of $50 million. more

11 Comments on Amtrak watchdog says $41 million purchase of Delaware building based on ‘faulty assumptions’

  1. Back in the day the Kennedys bought and sold properties in DC that were “minority set-asides” and nobody batted an eye.
    Another indicator of rot.
    But nothing will come of it.
    AMTRAK’s a gigantic money-hole, as it is – a great source of graft for politicians of all stripes.
    I don’t believe AMTRAK has ever made a profit – another gov’t scam.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There’s only one line in Amtrak that makes a profit.
    ME to Boston.
    How do they hire people?
    By woke and politically connected standards?
    They apparently don’t hire anyone who knows how to run a company.

  3. My assumption is that anything and everything Amtrak touches will turn into a cluster fuck of monumental proportions. Next to Sound Transit they look like pikers in that regard though.

  4. Known Corruption, right before our eyes. When you are the elite covered in Teflon by the DOJ, FBI and the IRS, there’s nothing to stop the most blatant corruption when family, friends and contributors are the beneficiaries.


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