Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court goes to full Senate vote on Monday – IOTW Report

Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court goes to full Senate vote on Monday


WASHINGTON – All 12 Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination Thursday, clearing the way for the full Senate to vote on her confirmation Monday. Democrats opted to boycott the hearing, leaving no one to oppose the nomination.

Democrats had said they would not attend the hearing and vote, hoping to prevent the committee from establishing a quorum. Instead, Democrats held a press conference Thursday morning and placed pictures of people they said were beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act on their chairs in the committee meeting room.

Republicans moved forward with the vote anyway, quickly approving Barrett just minutes into what was scheduled to be an hours-long hearing. more

15 Comments on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court goes to full Senate vote on Monday

  1. “If Barrett is confirmed, there would be a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.”

    I do not agree – it would be 5-4 as Roberts has proven to be quite the lefty.

    I always wonder why it is that so-called conservatives turn left when they reach the bench but I have never seen a lefty become more rational and conservative.

  2. This should have been settled three weeks ago. It’s called “politics:” when you control the vote, you control the outcome. There’s never been a doubt that Barrett had the votes. Everything else is mental masturbation.

  3. Fat lady hasn’t sung yet. I’m praying that for the next 96 hours the Socialists do not cook up some “emergency” in order to delay the vote on Monday.

    I hope to see a good debate for trump tonight and hit biden on the economy and his corruption. And then see a Scotus confirmation monday.

  4. What’s wrong with Friday morning? You know 12 hours from now.

    Get it done, move on to the next project. Do it quick before the demonrats change their mind and decide to show up and make a circus of horrors out of it, as they had done a few times before.


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