An Aggressive Donald Trump Uses Debate To Show Critics He Isn’t Leaving Race – IOTW Report

An Aggressive Donald Trump Uses Debate To Show Critics He Isn’t Leaving Race


Daily Caller: ST. LOUIS, MO — Donald Trump survives.

Coming at a harrowing time for his campaign, the Republican nominee entered the presidential debate here Sunday night facing calls from members of his own party to step aside. But Trump used an aggressive performance against Hillary Clinton to signal to those critics in the Republican Party that he has no intention of going anywhere.

Following the debate, Trump allies expressed optimism in interviews with The Daily Caller that the candidate’s strong debate performance will be effective in fighting back against those critics.

“I think tonight, there’s a shot of enthusiasm that’s been sent out, where you’re going to see Republicans realize this is the fighter, this is the agent of change that we need,” Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said in the spin room. “And we are going to see a lot of energy, a lot of wind in our sails tomorrow.”

18 Comments on An Aggressive Donald Trump Uses Debate To Show Critics He Isn’t Leaving Race

  1. All of those losers who jumped ship this weekend must be messing their panties today. They might as well join the Democrat party because the Trump GOP will not let them back in.

  2. It amazes me even to this late date how many so called republicans are willing to fail at everything in an effort to help a comically inept demoncrat party win on an issue or an election. We have 7+ years of a republican party who can’t seem to fail fast enough before their master obama.

    We have a candidate that was not the choice of the establishment professional fail class and is hated by the supposedly pure conservative class, yet loved by the people.

    What I don’t understand is that we have been told for 7+ years that we CAN”T oppose a popular President, but when we have a popular candidate who is actually climbing in the polls, our republican leadership announces to the world that we surrender to Queen Hillary? Almost makes you think that some on our side belongs on another side.

    I wonder just how many points ahead of Hillary Trump would be today if the wizards of smart were actually trying to win instead of flying the white flag which has become their standard?

    MSG Deplorable Grumpy

  3. They lead with, “Donald Trump survives.” That’s it? Survives??? Talk about grudgingly conceding something. He fucking creamed her. She was a stuttering fool by half way through it. When he told her he would have his Justice Dept appoint a Special Prosecutor, that was game, set and match.

    Note the complete difference in the way he handled the mods compared to almost anyone ever(except Newt) He wasn’t backing down at all especially to Radditz(what a whore) Cooper actually by the end, wasn’t that horrible.

    My prayers sure were answered last night.

  4. The GOPe #NT’s have a new call to order:

    “Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe!”

    (And, as sheep, they will be shorn in their next elections.)

  5. When the first set up question was asked about the “locker room banter” and Hillary’s response about Trump and his issues with women, I’m thinking if he does not respond with an all out attack, this is over. This was all done thinking they would get under his skin right away and throw him off the rest of the debate. I was cringing at first thinking he was going to go back into this rope-a-dope strategy, but I was fist pumping like everybody else when he drew his sword and stuck it through the dragon’s black heart.

    What in the world was Hillary thinking? That she would basically sit there and sling dog shit about his character and that he was going to pull a Romney and just take it? LOL. The USS Trump put a full spread of torpedoes into that garbage scow and sank her good.

  6. “Trump used an aggressive performance against hillary”

    Trump showed he really does have a set of balls and hillary doesn’t and she can only wish she did.

    we don’t even have to say anything about the fags who were all dumping on Trump for his men talk.

    f’n pussy’s! all of them!

  7. My RINO governor, Bill Haslam, threw Trump overboard last night. I cannot wait to vote him out. Interesting fact; Haslam is reputed to be the wealthiest elected official in the entire US.

  8. I can’t wait to listen to Rush today. He’s going to be good! I’ll walk faster listening to him, it’s good for my soul on some days and todays the day. I was proud of Trump last night, he nailed Hillary. Just having the 4 women Clinton had sex with sitting there, did rattle Hillary. She smiled less did anyone notice? No come backs for her either. Trump played her well. They’re all scared shitless!

  9. The dems have long infiltrated the Republican Party. (Yes it IS a vast left-wing conspiracy.) The supposed “leaders” within the Rebublican party have been nothing more than paid opposition. It has taken decades for millions of people to become aware of this but now that they have awakened it won’t happen again.

  10. One of my favorite push backs was when Trump told Hillary that SHE owed the president an apology for having started the birther fiasco and publicizing pictures of Muslim dressed Obama.

  11. I wonder- Since the Bushes are such pals with the Clintons, are they mad at them because they threw baby nephew Billy Bush under the bus just to mess with Trump?

    What kind of money was exchanged if the Bushes knew about it?

    I get the feeling we are going to see Billy Bush featured on Forensics Files after he murders one of his uncles. lolol

  12. Well fought last night. Trump’s team is rocking, they just need to stay on top, never let the guard down. Keep bashing the hell out of Hillary. Keep her crimes in the headlines.

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