An American who fought in Ukraine warns others “Do not go, it’s a trap” – IOTW Report

An American who fought in Ukraine warns others “Do not go, it’s a trap”

Republic Brief: A video has gone viral showing a man who is described as a volunteer describing the situation in Ukraine for volunteers, telling people that the situation there is a “trap.”

In a March 8 tweet, Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Independent reported 20,000 foreign volunteers had joined the International Legion Of Defense Of Ukraine since March 6. That’s left some Americans wondering if they’re allowed to join Ukraine’s foreign legion.

There may be a reason to doubt volunteering is a good idea.

“For those even remotely thinking about going over to Ukraine to volunteer, watch this sh– first before you do. Please spread this around,” a poster on Twitter wrote, linked to the following viral video.  more

18 Comments on An American who fought in Ukraine warns others “Do not go, it’s a trap”

  1. Maybe I’m wrong, but that kid looks a little bit Pillsbury Doughboy.

    Maybe I’m wrong but I doubt he thought it through before going to help Hide Biden/Bumma/Clinton/Mittens/Kerry’s/Pelosi’s Tax payer funded Skim of foreign aid. AKA Your Tax Dollars.

  2. There’s so much Bull Shit floating around it’s ridiculous. I read two days ago, multiple places, where we were going to send a massive amount of ammo over there previously designated for our troops. Really? Good luck shooting those 556 rounds out of an AK.
    When 85% of what they try and feed you is Bull Shit it’s time to tap out.

  3. What did you expect pal? It’s NOT the US or British military you joined. The rules are gonna be different, the weapons will be different, the methods of fighting will be different. That said, Ukraine IS at war and you volunteered. They need ALL the equipment and kit they can muster.

  4. Bob
    MARCH 18, 2022 AT 12:56 PM
    “So war isn’t like a video game? Who’d of thought?”

    …well, when he started losing he DID ultimately rage quit, so in that sense it kinda is…

  5. This is why American Civics-unwoke, needs to be back in public schools. This misinformed, YouTubed kid wanted an adventure and end up trapped as a pawn in a globalist/communist chess game.


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