An Emotional Bill Clinton Eyes Possible Exit from Foundation – IOTW Report

An Emotional Bill Clinton Eyes Possible Exit from Foundation

Awww, there there my lil Gin blossom…

Breitbart: WASHINGTON (AP) — When Bill Clinton told the staff of his global charity he would have to step down if Hillary Clinton won the White House, he was vividly clear about how that felt: Worse than a root canal, he said.

For Clinton, the foundation that bears his name has shaped much of his post-White House legacy, helping transform him from a popular yet scandal-tainted former president into an international philanthropist and humanitarian. But the Clinton Foundation is also the focus of election-year scrutiny — pushed along by Donald Trump — about the Democratic power couple’s ability and willingness to separate the organization’s wealthy contributors from past and possible future government roles.


10 Comments on An Emotional Bill Clinton Eyes Possible Exit from Foundation

  1. This asshole is a fraud of the highest order. I remember as if yesterday this rat walking down a path at Ron Brown’s funeral laughing with some other jerk. When he notices a camera, he puts on a sad face and begins to rub his eye as if crying.
    Evil creature.

  2. Mo, I hear you, like yesterday. He goes from laughing to crying all in the time it took him from starting his step to finishing the same step.

    He was banned, for life, from ever arguing a case before the SCOTUS. It’s an outrage that he is looking at going back to the White House.

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