An illegal alien who Joe Biden wouldn’t deport – IOTW Report

An illegal alien who Joe Biden wouldn’t deport

DCN:In the democratic primary debate Sunday night, the two old coots tried to outdo each other over who would do the most for illegal aliens. Bernie Sanders said he would give amnesty to every illegal in this country so Biden countered that he’d not only give amnesty but also stop deporting criminal foreign national scum. Here’s a twice deported rapist that Biden would save from deportation because, in Crazy Joe’s words, he wants to keep families together.

WJLA brings this profile of one of Biden’s Buddies”:

An undocumented immigrant, twice deported from the United States, had to be pried off a half-naked, semiconscious woman he was raping, Montgomery County Police allege in court documents…

Around 9:30 p.m. last Thursday, dispatchers put out a priority call for a man raping a woman below a stairwell along the 11200 block of Grandview Avenue in Downtown Wheaton. The woman could be heard shouting, “No!”

The first patrol officer to arrive on the scene stated he witnessed the man, later identified as Jose Lopez-Gonzalez, 35, raping the woman. The outdoor, metal stairwell was in plain view of the sidewalk and street and located between a dollar store and a Mexican restaurant.


13 Comments on An illegal alien who Joe Biden wouldn’t deport

  1. “The female victim was taken to the hospital where she was found to be extremely intoxicated.”

    This is not me saying she got raped because she was drunk, and so she deserved it.
    But, people. Why are you near passed out drunk in public?

  2. Trump should call off the Federal elections, declare himself President for four more years and in 2024 run for his “second” term. Cloud….silver lining…we win!

  3. His spiritual adviser reports that he was innocently on his way to church when he tripped and jammed his johnson into the semi-conscious drunk laying naked and spreadeagled on the sidewalk! Please don’t deport this model citizen as he pays taxes on the onsie cigarettes he buys and sells to elementary school students on the playground!

  4. We cannot have an election in this atmosphere. It’s far too dangerous. If liberals demanded an election, it would be just like condemning millions of people to death. And democrats would have oceans of blood on their hands.

    Trump must step up to the plate and designate an emergency four more years of his administration. That’s what i would call leadership.

  5. Too bad the po-po didn’t pick him up (“come along with us, bub”) and drop him off in the Chesapeake Bay to swim home. If he doesn’t make it, he can always prove to be valuable as crab-fishing bait.


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