An Immigration Memo From a ‘Deplorable’ Catholic to Trump for His Meeting With Pope Francis – IOTW Report

An Immigration Memo From a ‘Deplorable’ Catholic to Trump for His Meeting With Pope Francis

The Stream: Mr. President, as a Catholic conservative who endorsed you in the election, I’d like to make a few suggestions before you meet with our spiritual leader, Pope Francis. Just a few facts and arguments that might come in handy. You probably don’t know too much inside Catholic baseball. So you might have a wrong impression of the authority and power of the pope. You also might feel put on the defensive. This pope questioned your credentials as a Christian during the campaign.

The worst outcome of all that might come of this meeting? That you might think that the pope’s policy opinions bind a billion Catholics. That could lead you to one of two conclusions. Either:

  • You will see the pope as prophetic. You’ll cede him the moral high ground. You will change all your policy views to match his.  (The likelihood of that, happily, seems slim.) Or:
  • You will hear the pope offer poorly considered, utopian policies in moralistic rhetoric. You will believe that those are what is demanded of Christians. (After all, he’s the Pope, right?) You will see that these policies are foolish and destructive. So you will smile politely and make a mental note: “Religious folks: doe-eyed dreamers. I live in the real world, though.”

Either of these would be tragic. Because I am here to tell you something, Mr. President. About the critical issue where you differ with Pope Francis, immigration: You are right and he is wrong. Not just in a pragmatic or cynical sense. On the deepest moral level. Your positions agree with the consensus of 2,000 years of Christian teaching and statesmanship.  read more

18 Comments on An Immigration Memo From a ‘Deplorable’ Catholic to Trump for His Meeting With Pope Francis

  1. I’m not Catholic however the wife is. So we attend Catholic Church and a lot of our heavy drinker friends are Catholic. None of them like this guy. Me, I’m concentrating on not printing my G19 while in the Pew. Turns out church is not a gun free zone if I’m there.

  2. Just remind the Pope “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”

    A country’s immigration policy and laws are a Caesar function

  3. A Fog called Woke lifts to catch a glimpse
    Out of the corner of your Eye
    Oft and soft the Fog resettles.
    Sleep Sheep.
    Everything is Green and sub·ma·rine
    And I am You and what I see is Me
    And do I take you by the hand
    And lead you through the Land
    And help me understand the best you can.

    When You see Media like msNBC You see Demons.
    Embodied in Living Flesh and Color.
    They have been written of for thousands of years.
    Old Books. New Books. Roman, Greek, Shakespearean and Mozartean Volumes.
    Lies. Deception. Beguilement. Subterfuge.
    Let them be Dead to You.

  4. I don’t always agree with Ann Barnhardt, but on this, I do: “Francis” is not the legitimate pope. Pope Benedict could not abdicate the papacy, he is still the lawful pope. Anyone who cares can go to her website and research it.

  5. The doctrine of papal infallibility, the Latin phrase ex cathedra (literally, “from the chair”) was proclaimed by Pius IX in 1870 as meaning “when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, (the Bishop of Rome) defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.”

    Francis is not doing this most of the time: rather merely blowing socialist smoke out his a$$.

  6. Climate change? I suppose Trump could have brought up the subject of Galileo and the earth and sun, and his being convicted of heresy even though he WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

  7. Don’t respond that often, but this guy nails it.

    Well over fifty years ago, upon leaving the seminary, I came up with the perfect fast for Lent. I gave up organized religion and have kept the fast to this very day. Some like myself should not see how the sausage is made. I have become the militant agnostic.

    By the by, 48 years ago today my poor wife made the mistake of her life by marrying me. Did produce a doctor and a nurse who wanted no part of my jewelry business and pursued the medical field instead. Their gain (maybe), my loss…

  8. Thanks for the link Ann T. I work with someone that just became a deacon in the catholic church and he is driving the rest of us at work crazy. From the article quotes like “against what the pope says.” are heard here all the time. If the pope says it you have to follow it according to the chosen one here.
    I am catholic but this pope is not my pope. If I am to be forgiven of my sins it will be by God and not by man. Pope F. is corrupt, bought off by Soros and the money Obama gave to the churches to shelter/hide illegals.
    usccb – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

    The church has driven me away. If they harbor criminals they need to lose their tax exempt status. And that is just a start.

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