An internet warrior digs deep to expose Kamala’s Senate days – IOTW Report

An internet warrior digs deep to expose Kamala’s Senate days


Ever wondered what Kamala Harris was up to during her Senate days? Well, brace yourself; it’s exactly what you’d expect, and it wasn’t about lifting the average American’s spirits or their economic status. Kamala, the tried and true Marxist, spent her time dragging us deeper into the abyss of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) with the legislation she sponsored and introduced. Most bills Kamala attached her name to were laced with insane race equity issues, squatter’s rights, and a bevy of loony environmental red tape that’s been a nightmare for American businesses and workers.

Now, thanks to one daring internet warrior who dove into the depths of Kamala’s Senate track record, we’ve got a clearer picture—clear as daylight, actually—of how disastrously unfit this woman is for any leadership role. If you think our country is in a bind now, just take a look at Kamala’s Senate antics, and you’ll see just how much worse it could get with the “Cackling Queen” steering the ship. more

14 Comments on An internet warrior digs deep to expose Kamala’s Senate days

  1. She famously locked up 1,260 black males for minor marijuana offenses and kept them incarcerated past their release date to provide cheap labor. A California politician yesterday said while she was AG her nickname was Kamala “lock a brutha up” Harris.

  2. Question, has her campaign said anything about possible VP picks yet? I ask because there is a lot of in-state chatter on my feeds about Gov Andy Brashear as VP & I’m hoping that’s just wishful thinking from the Louisville/Lexington area. o.O

  3. Shes done nothing but get hugely paid for being a divisive asshole, stoking hatred to the point of murder, advanced Communism, violated the Civil Rights of EVERY White American, opened the terrorist floodgates, and lied about her part in stealing a Presidential election, you say?

    …soooo, basically, shes a Democrat…

  4. Harrisnis like AOC: she has no brains for anything productive, so she jumps in bed with the useless left and has a big mouth but no productivoty whatsoever. Even more useless than bernie sanders.

  5. richard
    FRIDAY, 26 JULY 2024, 13:06 AT 1:06 PM
    “She famously locked up 1,260 black males for minor marijuana offenses and kept them incarcerated past their release date to provide cheap labor.”

    …California was never a slave state, not even during the Civil War…until Democrats took over.

    What youre describing is slavery.

    …funny how its always Democrats causing it here and allowing it everywhere else…

  6. Not sure who this was originally said about, but it fits kamala perfectly, “we might survive four years of Kamala as president, but we can’t survive the stupidity it would take for her to be elected in the first place.”

  7. We thought that a second term of Obama was outside of the realm of possibility.
    We thought that Joe hiding in his basement was a sure-fire way for him to lose the presidency.

    Just how many generations of devoted Marxists has higher education created? We’d better hope that we don’t find out. Combine those voters with the illegal vote and the cheating that hasn’t been addressed and well…

    More and more I’m seeing her as highly electable. It’s a mistake to base the probability of her being president on our standards.

  8. Mystaclean: True, but that was before the Dems overestimated their appeal. During the Biden administration, with thanks to such Republic Governors such as DeSantis and Abbott, the Dems have been going overboard for illegal aliens. With that, the have been s**tting not in their own beds, but in the beds of those who the Dems were convinced would never think about voting for a Republican. Those voters are also thinking back to how much better things were under Trump and how bad they are under Biden.

    It has been pointed out that a horse that wins millions of dollars each year only has to win by a nose but the horse who come in second gets pocket change. It is obvious that the Dems have cheated for years. All it took was a little here and a little there in key areas and they won the prize. However, now a significant number of people in those key areas are fed up and aren’t going to go along quietly. Couple that with the fact that many organizations are going to be watching the vote counting like a hawk and will be documenting everything in real time and it is clear that the Dems will not have an easy time of it this year.

    The Dems have over played their hand and they are going to pay.

  9. Clarification: those Republican Governors have not helped with making it easy for illegal aliens, but that those Governors have made the Dems S**t in the bed of Democrat strongholds and not just in Red areas. Because of that, the Democratic base is pissed off.

  10. Unfortunately, millions of Democrat voters will only see “woman” and “dark skin,” and that’s enough for them. The corporate news realizes this, and will scrub any policy from their news – only focusing on “woman” and “dark skin.”

    In 2016, I had lots of female neighbors who only saw “woman” and decided to vote for Hillary. When asked what Hillary stood for, the only answer I got was “woman.”

    That’s the mindset (or lack thereof) of many voters. Trump needs to run as though he is fighting an uphill battle.


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