An Open Letter To Kyle Rittenhouse – IOTW Report

An Open Letter To Kyle Rittenhouse

Jackson P. Chamberlain

Dear Kyle,

Boy, you’ve been through some crap.

I guess I don’t need to tell you that. I will tell you that I’m sorry you’re having to deal with so much of this stuff, and I’ll apologize to you on behalf of myself and millions like me. We’re the ones who allowed America to devolve into what it’s become. We weren’t strong enough, weren’t engaged enough, weren’t interested enough to nip these things in the bud when we saw them happening, and now we’re all on the verge of losing the greatest nation in the history of mankind simply because it’s been easier to just sit on the couch and do nothing about any of it. America is dying on our watch, and you’ve been caught up in it’s horrid spiraling demise. I’m sincerely sorry for that.

The bottom line is we haven’t been brave enough. We haven’t shown the courage to fight when fighting has been necessary. We haven’t been honorable enough to stand when a stand needed to be taken. It isn’t that we’ve allowed our lines in the sand to be crossed; it’s that we’ve never made a serious effort to even find any sand, let alone actually draw a line in it. We’re a generation of apathetic cowards who’ve allowed ourselves to be bullied, demeaned, labeled, and otherwise disrespected by some of the worst of the dregs of society. They call us names, place us in groups that don’t even exist (and don’t fit us in any case), intentionally paint us into corners, and still we just sit there and let them do as they will. They threaten violence and we respond with talk. They commit actual violence and we settle in to watch it on television. more here

18 Comments on An Open Letter To Kyle Rittenhouse

  1. One issue I had with the defense was their claim that “a bullet is a bullet.”
    Why not address the differences in bullets and tell the jury that had Kyle used hollow points, asshole #3 wouldn’t have a fucking right arm anymore.

    The defense allowed the prosecutors to demonize the FMJ round as something “designed to go through an object and keep going.”

    The defense should have mentioned that the round is designed to not turn flesh into hamburger like a hollow point.
    This ultimately let the jury think the defense was hiding something.

  2. Well put.
    Nailed it.
    Kile was armed with a gun when most had their cell phones out.
    Note: Your cell phone will not save you from the mob.
    It would be nice if they expended half as much effort prosecuting the rioters as they did Kyle.

  3. While I empathize with Kyle and understand the sentiment behind this letter I strongly take issue with the collective “We” behind the cause of the conflict and the misery and ire directed at this young man. Myself and those that think like me are not at all responsible for the moral decay, the apathy, or the neglect that eroded our nation.

    Place the blame squarely where it belongs. For the riots and lawlessness that started it all, the cops were MIA, gutless bystanders that watched their city burn behind the safety of their barricades. For the culture that feeds the anger of ANITIFA and gives them a free hand, that targets whiteness as something to be fought and destroyed, and creates division, suspicion and animus between races, this same culture that demonizes effort and achievement and rewards victims, this was the match that started the fire.

  4. rich taylor: I agree. We can’t even speak up at school board meetings without the President siccing the Justice Department on us, or say anything critical about the government without having the IRS give us a rectal exam. Democrats have been honing their skills at stealing elections for at least twenty years.

    Rittenhouse did something along the lines of what should be done and look what is happening to him. He did not even go looking for trouble — it came looking for him.

    That is not to say that we won’t stand up, but it will have to come at a time when the only option we have is to go for broke. If the Dems steal the elections next year that time may be sooner than later.

  5. Rottenhouse went looking for trouble with a assault rife, crossing state lines to go hunting for it. He didn’t buy that weapon, his friend bought it for him so he could go looking for trouble with a capital T.

  6. Anonymous – the name describes his personality in real life – an unknown, a nothing, a nobody, somebody who nobody notices when he is in the room, because….he’s unidentifiable. It sucks to be you.

  7. Posobiec said on twitter that 2 jurors were holding out due to fear of backlash(riots), their lives, their families’ lives and their jobs.

    Any idiot who lets their fear or their stupidity to keep them from finding this young man not guilty deserve what this will mean for them and their community. If they find themselves needing to defend themselves they set the bar so low that if they have a gun or a bigger gun then they gave up their right to self defense and they should just take their ass whipping.

    If the cops had done their job this kid wouldn’t have had to defend himself. That is who should be on trial, the cops, the mayor and the DA’s office who lied to the court and the defense and the jury. The latest is they knew the identity of kick man and he’s the same kind of long time criminal as the other three. If courts had done their job he wouldn’t have been on the streets to have been kicking anyone in the head.

  8. Two jurors holding out right now is believable. Which brings us back to Binger and his stunt yesterday with the “assault rifle” in the courtroom. He delivered a message there. Arrest him for juror intimidation if nothing else.


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