An ‘Unprecedented Flock of Patriots’ Is Gathering to Support the Police in 80 Rallies – IOTW Report

An ‘Unprecedented Flock of Patriots’ Is Gathering to Support the Police in 80 Rallies

PJM- As protests over the horrific police killing of George Floyd devolved into destructive riots that have claimed the lives of at least 22 people and calls to “defund the police,” one conservative organization is bringing Americans together to express their appreciation for the police and the law and order they provide. ACT for America is organizing 80 rallies in more than 30 states. On July 5, more than 1,000 marched in one of these “Back the Blue” rallies in Wantagh, N.Y., on Long Island.

“People across America are horrified watching the lawlessness spreading throughout the country. Finally, Americans who were never engaged in any type of activism are coming together and rising to stand up in defense of the police and law and order in their community,” Brigitte Gabriel, founder and president of ACT for America, told PJ Media on Friday. “We are witnessing an unprecedented flock of patriots emailing us wanting to organize in their community.”

“As of this interview ACT For America is working on 80 rallies in over 30 states,” she added. “We are a nation of law and order and the American public is finally seeing how the Left is organized to transform America and literally destroy it as it is now. We will never let this happen. Not under our watch.”

ACT for America launched a petition to defend the police, rather than defunding them. The petition rightly condemns the death of George Floyd but notes that this tragedy is not a reason to undermine the police as an institution. read more

4 Comments on An ‘Unprecedented Flock of Patriots’ Is Gathering to Support the Police in 80 Rallies

  1. I’ll march against the anarchist communist vandals, thieves, and murderers striving to overtake our nation.

    I will not march in worship of Gangs of police who do not have my nor my neighbors’ best interests in mind.


    While the police stand around (or stand down), while anarchists pull down statues, as soon as some right-wing militia-types show up, the police haul them away in handcuffs.

    No thanks, no dog in this fight. Police can be harassed by their voting contemporaries that put democrats in power in the first place. Family fight.

  3. “… horrific police killing of George Floyd …”

    The bag of Fentanyl up George’s ass burst causing his death – no “horror” no “police.”

    George killed himself as surely as Epstein did.

    izlamo delenda est …


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