Analysis: Democrat Debate Site Detroit Worst City in United States for Raising Children – IOTW Report

Analysis: Democrat Debate Site Detroit Worst City in United States for Raising Children

Breitbart: An analysis of the most kid-friendly cities in the United States shows that Detroit — the site of next week’s Democrat debates — is the worst city for raising children.

The personal finance website WalletHub compared 182 U.S.cities on 47 key metrics to determine “essential family dynamics, such as the cost of housing, the quality of local school and health-care systems, and the opportunities for fun and recreation” in each locale.

“This study aims to reveal the areas that offer the greatest opportunity to achieve Wallet Fitness and live a long and happy life,” WalletHub said of its report.

The Number One city is Overland Park, Kansas, in part because it has the “lowest share of families receiving food stamps, 3.09 percent, which is 15.2 times lower than in Detroit, the city with the highest at 46.91 percent.”

Overland Park, Kansas, also ranked Number One in affordability but 94 for the “family fun” ranking. Los Angeles, California was at the top of the list for “family fun” but was 176th for “affordability.”

The other cities rounding out the Top 10 best cities, in order from second to tenth are: Fremont, California; Irvine, California; Plano, Texas; South Burlington, Vermont; Bismark, North Dakota; Gilbert, Arizona; Fargo, North Dakota; Scottsdale, Arizona; and Boise, Idaho.

Detroit’s government dependence, among other factors, made it come in dead last at 182, and it also has the highest number of families living in poverty at 32.70 percent.

Overall, the worst cities for children, based on WallHub’s metrics, are in order from 173 to 181 (Detroit is last at 182) are: Augusta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Hialeah, Florida; San Bernardino, California; Wilmington, Delaware; Shreveport, Louisiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Cleveland, Ohio; and Newark, New Jersey.


8 Comments on Analysis: Democrat Debate Site Detroit Worst City in United States for Raising Children

  1. Seattle is #12.

    But I think there needs to be additional yardsticks for the “do it for the children” category:

    Most needles on the ground per capita.
    Most homeless tents in public places.
    Most consumption of pot per capita.
    Most zombie-like natives.
    Most spending on useless mass transit.
    Lowest continuous voting percentage for Republicans.
    Stupidest female mayor.
    Largest population to have ever voted for a ‘monorail’ only to see it go down the drain.

    And the list goes on…

  2. Gosh Wally, butcha gots all those really cool rainbow colored windows in the run-down, shot-up burned-out, crime-ridden, rat-infested, urine-soaked, feces-friendly, certified Shit-Holes created by the Equal-Opportunity Marxists who only care about who votes for the Commie Dipshitz promising the most free shit!!


    Dependency, idle hands, crime, drugs, no desire to be educated, high taxes, stress on police services.

    Expiration date on welfare. You get 10 years to get your shit together, and then after that, you are at the mercy of the church for handouts.

    Pain and suffering are excellent motivators and learning tools. Don’t want to live on the street like dumbass Bob? Better listen to your teachers and find out how to do better than dumbass Bob.

  4. The perfect venue for a DNC debate then.

    From wherever he is having a rally at the time, President Trump should challenge the debate moderators to ask those candidates to explain why democrat policies are so destructive and why in hell anyone should vote for a democrat.


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