ANALYSIS: Election Night Reporting and Companies That Manufacture Election Results – IOTW Report

ANALYSIS: Election Night Reporting and Companies That Manufacture Election Results

Joe Hoft-

US Election reporting is dependent on a few suspicious companies that provide results that are arguably manufactured. 

Guest post by Erin and David Clements

The number of Americans who believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election has grown to 62 percent, with another 6 percent who say they don’t know if he won or not.  An enormous mountain of evidence, including whistleblower testimony, expert analysis, or proven machine vulnerabilities has awakened a huge majority of American voters to the realization that our elections are largely rigged.

As independent analysts and auditors improve their understanding of the centralization of election system architecture, the evidence revealed during the initial aftermath of November 3, 2020, is taking on new and vital importance.  Case in point, millions of Americans that watched election results witnessed impossible changes to their vote tallies.  Millions saw the “F-Curves” demonstrating an inexplicable injection of hundreds of thousands of votes in key races across the country.  The F-Curve has come to represent rigged elections and corruption.

See “Fraud Curve” Memes from Social Media above.

A trusting public relies on “Election Night Reporting” or “ENR” to find out who won on election night. But ENR broadcast on election night is not a report of real tallies but a tool to shape perceptions about election results. What was reported on television was perceived as reality and races were called by the media – outcomes that that any political or judicial institution was loath to challenge after the fact for fear of media bullying.

Election Night Reporting is another smoking gun that proves our elections are centrally manipulated.

Sources of Election Night Reporting Data

There are several places to find ENR data.  All secretaries of state (SOSs) report results on their websites and some counties join in reporting efforts. But the real powerhouse in election night reporting comes from a foreign owned, Spain-based company, called Scytl. more

6 Comments on ANALYSIS: Election Night Reporting and Companies That Manufacture Election Results

  1. Time has a way of taking emotion out of an event and allowing the truth to surface. No one believes Biden got 81 million votes today. No one believes Kari Lake lost. But what is stopping them from doing it again, no court will dare to step in. When a GA judge stepped in to secure some machines for review re 2020 he reversed the decision within an hour. Wonder what happened during that hour.

  2. TINVOWOOT There will never be another honest believable election in America again as long as the current regime and paradigm exists. And that regime/paradigm is NOT going away or relinquishing power peacefully or voluntarily.

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