Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions – IOTW Report

Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions

Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP:

During the protests at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, among the five people killed was Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit. The behavior of several individuals around the violence, however, suggests that there was coordinated action among the agitators. To learn more about this we’ve invited to speak with us independent Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha.

h/t Cate.

15 Comments on Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions

  1. What an anomaly. An independent reporter, willing to research, observe and REPORT. I’ve no doubt she is 💯 accurate.

    Having watched numerous footage, all from different angles and “sources”, the various “players” onsite “accounts”, their backgrounds (arrests v non arrests), and a 2.5 hr Darkhorse podcast interview of an independent reporter on the ground (who btw is a self described “progressive/passive anarchist”) but has been embedded with antifa over a year reporting on tactics, the footage of the guy running down the stairs to change clothes was the missing link.

    From the footage I’ve observed, the guy with the wool ear flaps hat, was in several places inside always loudly whipping up the crowd. Coincidentally, black guy John Sullivan (antifa connected/Omaha shooting) always in same vicinity recording, as well as whipping up crowd, at one point saying “I do this all the time” and even offering his knife to break into doors.

    At one point loud mouth ear flap hat guy is so obnoxious, an older man is yelling at him, “hey moron get the hell out of here, we’re not here to cause trouble or be violent”. All the above in concert with cops standing nose to nose with the crowd.

    Sullivan is a suspected “double agent”….antifa put out a 3 pg warning to their groups to stay away from him, explaining all the reasons for suspicion. Sullivan’s brother (white guy) is a purported Trump supporter. John was adopted and they were raised in a well to do family, father conservative/military.

    These two were working together. Full stop.

  2. Having watched several of the video clips I came to the same conclusion. A few stupid overzealous protesters were easily manipulated into destructive actions. This gave the left all the ammunition they could hope for in shaping the narrative.

    I’d like to see a few determined patriotic people locate those instigators and put an end to their activities. There needs to be a message sent that their actions come with a heavy price.
    {I’ll leave it to your imagination how they might get that point across}

  3. Has there ever been an explanation as to why Ashli was climbing into the glass door trying to gain access? Was she really so caught up in the moment? If she was a solid Trump supporter and patriot, I find it hard to believe she was manipulated into that action but I know it’s easy to judge from the comfort of my couch.

  4. Erb… in one video I saw, the men in the room helped her up into the window. I’m almost 100% positive I saw that action take place, and then she was shot. She wasn’t in the window long, and certainly wasn’t involved in smashing things up.

    Also in the video the japanese girl highlights you can plainly see the shooter aiming his gun at the men smashing things up. WHY doesn’t he fire on them? They have clearly broken the windows of the 1st barrier, and are more of a threat than anyone else in that room.

    I really hope that Andy Ngo can ID that jerk with the helmet and the dude with the flag around his neck.

  5. Any reasonable person can see that she was murdered. The response was way out of proportion to the act. There was no immediate threat to life that called for deadly force in her actions. Some others were carrying bats clubs and other devices, deadly force could be justified if directed at any of them.

  6. Cate
    JANUARY 12, 2021 AT 8:27 AM

    “WHY doesn’t he fire on them? They have clearly broken the windows of the 1st barrier, and are more of a threat than anyone else in that room.

    Probably because he (the instigator) was working for/with them? Why else would an entire line of cops allow him to break the window, retreat after she was shot, scramble down the stairwell, retrieve his backpack and change clothes, all the while guarding him?

    Also correction up thread *sullivan was from Utah not Omaha.


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