And Now We Wait…Lawyer Files Her Paperwork to Represent Flynn Judge Who Won’t Toss Bogus Case – IOTW Report

And Now We Wait…Lawyer Files Her Paperwork to Represent Flynn Judge Who Won’t Toss Bogus Case


Well, it’s now a waiting game, as Judge Emmet Sullivan’s lawyer filed her paperwork to represent the federal judge who has made a total mess of the Michael Flynn case. This case should be over. There is no one who wants to move forward with this case. The Department of Justice has filed a motion to dismiss, the prosecutor resigned, and new documents have unveiled a sordid plot by top FBI officials to entrap the former national security adviser. This is the anti-Trump deep state at work. There is a lengthy history of prosecutorial overreach at the FBI, quarterbacked by disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey. 

To rehash, the FBI had no reason to interview Flynn as part of their counterintelligence investigation into Russian collusion. They had no evidence, but they pressed on because Obama wanted to protect this investigation, and Flynn was one of the targets of intrigue, as he had run-of-the-mill phone conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The FBI weaponized a phone call that was routine. It’s nonsense. It was all nonsense. Collusion delusion hit the bureau hard. The 302 report on Flynn is somewhere in outer space by now. It took three weeks to file. It should have taken five days per department policy and people who weren’t present for the interview also tinkered with it—a big no-no. The bureau also wrapped their investigation of Flynn, with agents who interviewed him saying they felt he didn’t lie. Well, come May of 2017, out goes Comey and in with Robert Mueller, whose team pressed Flynn again, this time coercing him into pleading guilty of “lying to the FBI” in order to prevent financial ruin and his son for being charged with a crime.  more

24 Comments on And Now We Wait…Lawyer Files Her Paperwork to Represent Flynn Judge Who Won’t Toss Bogus Case

  1. Tony R, Jay Sekulow says this stunt does not affect the June 1 deadline. I hope he’s found wandering around in a diaper and waving a golf club this weekend to spare him the embarrassment of his day in court.

  2. Here’s the deal. Democrats expect loyalty and fealty no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the law is, no matter how many lives are ruined.

    Sullivan has no choice but to go the route he’s going or his life will be completely DESTROYED by the left. Period.

    I actually admire them in a way. Seeing as how our party, the republican party, is run by people who take a great big GIGANTIC SHIT on the people who voted them into office and never, ever pay any price whatsoever for it.

  3. Beth Wilkinson – what a piece of Shit!

    Her father was a Navy Submarine captain, she was in the military JAG, Sept 2018 assisted Bret Kavanaugh.

    Then about face, assists Hillary’s minions and now assisting a corrupt asshole judge against a greatly respected General.

    All this tells me is, LAWYER = NO MORAL COMPA$$

    What a disgrace to the military.

  4. My daydream… The appeals court requested the circuit court explain its thinking… by June 1st. Wilkinson’s paperwork will go un-acknowledged, and un-answered, as she has no standing before the court in the case. Failure to respond then becomes contempt. *boom*

  5. they’re trying so hard to get PDT to pardon Flynn before the election so they can use it as a propaganda tool

    now, the ’eminent jurist’s’ ass is in a sling … another shot by the left ricocheting back on them & shooting their eye out

  6. Anything Sullivan does is just delaying the inevitable.
    I’m pretty sure President Trump had a role is laying this out, but the timing of how all of this is moving through the justice system is just right for exposing the democrap party and the deep state for what it is and always has been leading up to the election. Sure, some Rinos will get caught up in it but they deserve it for being who they are and for what they did.
    More is coming. The truth will be laid out for all to see just before November. Hopefully the public will see it all and vote accordingly. Then the trials start in January.
    Pray for President Trump, his family, and all who are supporting him.
    It could get ugly. The evil bastards are now desperate.

  7. Judge and Jury is double duty work. Plus Tip.

    Beth Wilkinson
    Why do I know that name? hmmmmmmm

    Mil JAG. Hmmmm. Half a clue.

    A rocky Raleigh connection?
    Timid Tony with Serendipity
    Portland mix?
    If so, Deeper and Deeper.
    . . . and it makes it even more personal and delicios.

    Stay Tuned.

  8. Maybe the judge got a lawyer because he’s trying to hide information that proves he had foreknowledge of Flynn’s innocence and if it comes out he’ll be disbarred and leaving him open for lawsuits.

  9. Were I on the appeals court, I would point out the order states Sullivan must reply personally, NOT through a lawyer. Having failed that, I would remove Sullivan from the case and appoint a judge that will follow the rules of precedent and make sure the Flynn case is properly dismissed with prejudice, then determine a proper punishment for Sullivan up to and including disbarment and loss of all pensions.

  10. IF we still any justice in the US Court System.
    We the People need to make it clear that there needs to be a MASSIVE
    Toilet Flush of ALL Politically bias judge and DA.

    There must be stiff penalties for anyone in the court system abusing their position and NOT following the US Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights.

    Because it has become clear the Federal Courts have become political puppets.

  11. STEVE

    to paraphrase a song from my childhood, “Straighten up and Fly Right”
    I read you words but doubt you are honest.


    If so you have helped THE DEEP STATE. andTHE DEEP STATE makes sure politics is in every court as well as the alphabet folk: CIA, FBI, NSC,CDC…..

  12. @Deplorable Second Class May 27, 2020 at 9:02 pm

    > Its more than obvious that this judge needs to have been removed long ago. Are the courts really going to let this fly??

    The court that swears to believe all courtiers? That accepts everybody’s paperwork as interchangeable? As long as it’s on the right letterhead? The court that has accepted his participation? As an equal? Equal to each and every one of them? So swear they one, so swear they all?

    Somebody poke The Notorious RBG with a stick. See what she thinks.

  13. @Jethro May 27, 2020 at 10:25 pm

    > The truth will be laid out for all to see just before November. Hopefully the public will see it all and vote accordingly. Then the trials start in January.

    Were the public allowed to vote “accordingly”, there’d be no courts with jurisdiction to show trial in January.

    Vote for whoever the Party decides they’re willing to list on the Party ballot. Is that so hard? Loyal citizen? You are loyal? Aren’t you? Citizen?

  14. Guess we can take the masks off those statues of “impartial” justice, huh?
    And put a finger or two on the scales she holds – maybe a ham.

    They’re abandoning the pretense right before our eyes – yet we sit mesmerized.

    This “judge” does more than dishonor himself – he exposes the whole “judicial system” for the scam that it is – just as the FISA courts did previously by not holding corrupt FBI maggots to account.

    What further proofs do we need?
    I KNOW everybody ain’t too busy watching football!

    izlamo delenda est …


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