Who Got Next? – IOTW Report

Who Got Next?

12 Comments on Who Got Next?

  1. Nah, it won’t be Potato Head unless someone really comes in and cleans house (as suggested in an earlier thread). His job as the media expert is to hide what people should be told about and make up equine droppings to smear the other side.

    He does his job well, such as it is.

  2. The potato head poster child for “Down Low but ever so Obviously Gay” award will be next to go, then the sexual predator don lemonhead and
    tapper last.
    I predict Chris Wallace become the new big cheese

  3. Yeah Mark Dice And Greg Gutfeld are lobbying CNN hard to keep little Brian Stelter on the line-up… I Look for the new owners to bounce everybody though. I bet they even change the the CNN name itself.



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