…And Then SWAT Showed Up – IOTW Report

…And Then SWAT Showed Up

DC: A group of protesters in Colorado were arrested Thursday after blocking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials from entering or leaving its facility in Centennial.

The demonstrators had been camped out at the ICE field offices since the previous Sunday when a handful of the protesters stepped up opposition by causing a blockage, reported The Denver Post. The group formed a human chain by linking arms and grabbing pipes and tubes.

The SWAT team arrived in riot gear roughly four hours after the blockade began, according to Westword. Protesters were asked to disperse or face arrest. Eight protesters were ultimately arrested for not complying.  more here

SNIP: The Democrats have lost control of their little pets.

11 Comments on …And Then SWAT Showed Up

  1. Waaaaiiit a second….

    Don’t all these protests mean the cities have to pay their police forces more? Doesn’t that drain valuable money away from desperately needed social programs?


    Anyway, that’s the takeaway from all this. Protesters take food out of the mouths of hungry babies.

  2. they would’ve dispersed if the parking lot was about to be paved with hot asphalt on top of them.
    that’s the way you convince demonstrators not to impede progress.

    next time have the road workers on stand by to start paving shit.
    besides they’re union workers usually, haven’t you seen those bumper stickers, live better work union!

  3. Hmmm…. now that I think about it…. a big mass protest leaves a hell of a carbon footprint…. shouldn’t these people at least be charged a special tax for that?

    Protests…. really bad for the environment.

  4. These lowlife’s are no more than public nuisances and should be each given 6 months on the county work farm. Instead of just being fined for disturbing the peace, there should be more of a price to pay.
    Or forced to wear a large sign shaming them on a busy street for a month or so. Passers by could point and laugh.

  5. such frail white young boys

    wonder what their parents think of them doing this
    wonder if they have parents
    they all look well dressed
    wonder where all the legal immigrants are protesting along with these little frail looking boys

    wonder why


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