And you thought John Kerry had already hit rock bottom – IOTW Report

And you thought John Kerry had already hit rock bottom

Doug Ross

ANOTHER NEW LOW FOR JOHN KERRY: “We need another intifada” to force Israel to surrender its sovereignty


American officials directly involved in the failed Israeli-Palestinian peace process over the last nine months gave a leading Israeli columnist a withering assessment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the negotiations, indicated that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has completely given up on the prospect of a negotiated solution, and warned Israel that the Palestinians will achieve statehood come what may — either via international organizations or through violence…

…One bitter American official told Barnea,

I guess we need another intifada to create the circumstances that would allow progress…”

…In a rare attribution of some blame to Abbas, the Americans said they “couldn’t understand why it bothered him so much” to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. But here too, ultimately, the Americans were empathetic to Abbas: “The Palestinians came to the conclusion that Israel was pulling a nasty trick on them. They suspected there was an effort to get from them approval of the Zionist narrative.



13 Comments on And you thought John Kerry had already hit rock bottom

  1. Kerry will not “hit bottom” until he’s permanently committed to the lowest pit of Hell.

    He’s a filthy, lying, socialist, traitor – and has been for most of his life.

    The last time he was acquainted with the truth was when his momma asked him if his toast was OK, and he nodded his grotesquely huge head affirmatively.

  2. As a Senator his idiocy could be overlooked as he typically was one of many riders on a bandwagon. Now, in an actual leadership position, his idiocy cannot be masked. What we see is a man that has risen far above his level of competence.

  3. Hey Johnny, Got some news for ya,

    ISRAEL will stand FOREVER!!!

    You, however and the idiot’s who you follow, will burn in Hell.

    How do I know this? There is this book see, it’s called The Bible. Assholes like you lose, and lose big.

  4. The Clinton crew directly responsible for the last Intifada because of this same bullshit. They sent Carville over to meddle in their voting and electioneer a victory for Ehud Barak.

    Because of the importance of building a legacy – not finding a solution agreeable to both people.

    When Kerry’s people say this garbage it is naive to think that it was just offhand.

    As Libya, Egypt, and almost Syria have shown, the so-called Peaceniks are more than willing to go to war over their failed ideological prejudices. Or at least send other people’s kids to die for it.

  5. God, through Zechariah (2:8) said, “…for he who toucheth you, toucheth the apple of his eye.”

    Don’t think you oughta poke God in the eye, Kerry. It seems clear that there is a more severe judgement for those who deal wickedly against Israel.

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