Andrew Breitbart — Media War – IOTW Report

Andrew Breitbart — Media War

andrew breitbart hoover institute

Hoover Institution– Beginning with his college years at Tulane University, Breitbart unfolds his gradual awakening to Conservatism, which culminates in an embrace of Rush Limbaugh. Taking on the challenge to combat the “Democrat Media Complex” he explains what he is fighting for. “I want a center-right nation to fight for its soul, and its soul is represented in the arts; its soul is represented in a world in which media is everything.” He further explains his strategy. “My business model is to aim every one of our exposés straight at the mainstream media and say, ‘Katie Couric, you are being dared not to cover this.'”  VIDEO HERE

7 Comments on Andrew Breitbart — Media War

  1. Definitely a cool and insightful guy.
    TONS of energy.
    Gone too soon.

    Sad to see some folks abuse him.
    Trevor Loudon/hissite is claiming that
    Breitbart – through a 2011 video – NOW
    endorses Ted Cruz.

    From. The. Grave.
    Somehow, I think not.

    God bless Andrew.

  2. TO Khiri

    Hell NO!
    Ben may be good with words, but his brain is a clusterf*ck.
    He’s ALL OVER THE PLACE on the candidates and seems to lust after the limelight.

    Try maybe JAMES O’KEEFE, of Project Veritas.

  3. Miss that guy so much.

    Had a visit with my doc/gunsmith/coroner (so I have things all sewn up, should I go before he does) and a talk that usually extends the visit by at least a half an hour. Am I lucky or what?

    Anyway the conversation on all things political worked its way around to Scalia’s passing. He dismissed any question about it with the quite sensible remark “He was 79 and had health problems”. I mentioned AB. He perked right up and said “Now that was interesting. I assume any doubts will remain unaddressed indefinitely, but it gave me heart to know wondering what the hell happened isn’t a solo activity.

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