Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home execs after big campaign donations – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home execs after big campaign donations

Guardian: As Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a spirited challenge in his bid to win New York’s 2018 Democratic primary, his political apparatus got a last-minute boost: a powerful healthcare industry group suddenly poured more than $1m into a Democratic committee backing his campaign.

Less than two years after that flood of cash from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), Cuomo signed legislation last month quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The provision, inserted into an annual budget bill by Cuomo’s aides, created one of the nation’s most explicit immunity protections for healthcare industry officials, according to legal experts.

Critics say Cuomo removed a key deterrent against nursing home and hospital corporations cutting corners in ways that jeopardize lives. As those critics now try to repeal the provision during this final week of Albany’s legislative session, they assert that data prove such immunity is correlating to higher nursing home death rates during the pandemic – both in New York and in other states enacting similar immunity policies. more

6 Comments on Andrew Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home execs after big campaign donations

  1. Governor Edgewise isn’t looking like a great replacement for Dementia Joe Obiden Bama right now. What a difference a few weeks and ten thousand dead senior citizens makes. Who’s going to tell Fredo that they are not going to be moving into that big White House next year. I’m nominating Moe Green to convey the bad news. Take the cannoli, leave the old folks in the back seat.

  2. Man may not be able to prosecute or hold Cuomo accountable but God surely will and he’s in for one hell of a big surprise. He’s Catholic so he must believe in Purgatory where all his sins will be purged, good luck with that because Purgatory doesn’t exit except in the mind of Dante. I’m not Catholic so I never believed in that religious mumbo jumbo hooie about Purgatory.

  3. Slightly OT, but I just heard some libtard cable channel massively beclown itself by saying that the 100k Covid deaths (ie, 70K actual deaths) was the greatest and fastest die off in American history

    Sorry, you backstabbing hysteria mongering hacks, not even close. the 1918 Flu claimed 195K lives in October 1918 alone, which dwarfs the “100K” in 2.5 months figure in 2020. That monthly figure is four times the worst month of Covid, and 13 times greater per capita than today

    So what this tells you is that nobody did any checking on the 1918 Flu epidemic, even though it is common knowledge that 675K were killed. Are people in the media incapable of doing third grade Math?

  4. NY
    Banking of America
    Nursing Homes
    Money Deposit Withdrawels
    Mike Barnnickles Wife
    Mikahhs Mom
    WHO runs this Hospital Nutrient Irrigator

  5. I can’t stand that whiny voice of his.
    It makes me wonder what the person who pierced his nipples had to endure during the procedure.
    Combine that voice while looking at his face which resembles a bouquet of hemorrhoids and it’s enough to make you sick.


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