Andrew Cuomo got advice from Bill Clinton on how to handle a sex scandal – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo got advice from Bill Clinton on how to handle a sex scandal

NYPost: Embattled New York ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo reportedly received advice from former President Bill Clinton as he fought for his political life amid multiple charges of sexual misconduct.

Clinton has faced multiple sexual assault allegations and was impeached by the House of Representatives after an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky was revealed.

Cuomo was subject to a state sexual harassment probe following accusations by 11 women who worked for the governor. Cuomo eventually resigned from his post last August following a scathing report on the investigation released by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The allegations included a range of inappropriate behavior including that he alluded to wanting to engage in sexual relations with a young female staffer, forced kissing, unwanted sexual advances, and more. more

8 Comments on Andrew Cuomo got advice from Bill Clinton on how to handle a sex scandal

  1. Not even comparable. Clinton got several hummers along with the attention of a much younger woman, Cuomo was just a bore to several women.

    And Clinton was not impeached for his sexual dalliances, it was for lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstruction of justice.

  2. (Bill Cliton’s voice…)

    “Hi, I’m Bill Clinton and here are some tips on how to handle a sex scandal:

    1. Have your honey wearing a blue dress.

    2. Have her make you do, you know, you know the THING!

    3. Swear on a stack of Bibles that you DID NOT have ‘sexual relations’ with that woman.

    4. If someone persists and asks you what a ‘sexual relation is,’ tell them it depends on what the meaning ‘is’ is.

    5. Make sure your nose is permanently red, bulbous and diseased from all the… stuff… things… you’ve been doing.

    6. Get on TV as much as possible and convince people that your behavior is normal. Everything’s fine.

  3. “Hey Andy, Bill here.”

    “Listen friend, Just call her a limo, take her clothes & undies, & give her a nice fresh track suit to wear for the ride.”


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