Andrew McCabe is ‘shocked and disappointed’ by bureau’s FISA mistakes – IOTW Report

Andrew McCabe is ‘shocked and disappointed’ by bureau’s FISA mistakes

The absolute nerve.

Just The News: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said during his opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning that he was “shocked and disappointed”  by the “significant number of errors and failures related to the FISA applications” that pertained to Crossfire Hurricane.

“To me, any material misrepresentation or error in a FISA application is unacceptable period,” said McCabe. “The FBI should be held to the standard of scrupulous accuracy that the court demands. FISA remains one of the most important tools in our country’s efforts to protect national security. The FBI is the custodian of that tool. I fully support every effort to ensure the FBI’s use of FISA maintains the high standards the court and the American people demand and deserve.”

McCabe also told the Senate panel that it was ultimately the decision of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team to remove former FBI agent Peter Strzok from the project due to the now-public texts between himself and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. McCabe maintained that he never saw evidence of political bias in the work produced by Strzok while at the FBI.

During one exchange, Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) revealed that former FBI Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap recommended that agent Strzok not be assigned to the Trump-Russia probe team. 

The recently reelected Graham went on to ask McCabe whether, given what he now knows to be true, he would still have signed the June 2017 FISA authorization. McCabe responded, “No.” more

15 Comments on Andrew McCabe is ‘shocked and disappointed’ by bureau’s FISA mistakes

  1. @ Mr. Anth Ropy November 11, 2020 at 5:28 am,

    Read David Burnham’s “Above the Law”…. There has been corruption at the DOJ since its inception. The latest criminality is just some of the most blatant. bo is a cork smoker but he only used the tools he was handed.

  2. McCabe, Comey and the rest of the traitors show absolutely no fear of consequences for what they’ve done, not even a hint of concern.
    That should tell the most casual observer that the fix is in and has been all along.
    The fix is of course that fat tub of shit Bill Barr.
    If he had any intentions of serving justice we’d have seen indications within a month of his swearing in.

    I loathe the democrats but underhanded two faced back stabbers like Barr are the absolute worse kind of traitor.

  3. I get more angry at the politicians playing games to get campaign soundbites than I do about Macabe lying. He committed treason against the United States of America, of course he is going to lie. Having him testify before Congress is a joke. We have already seen that Congress has no teeth, why wouldn’t he lie? He knows that they wouldn’t actually do anything about it. The reason that these people are so corrupt because they know there’s no consequences for their actions. No prosecutions no investigations, the government protects its own.

    We do not have representation for taxation. Can you honestly say to yourself that your state Congress person represents your interests? Of course not, they represent their own interests. That is taxation without representation.


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