Andrew McCabe Opens Up About Steele Dossier, Origins Of Trump-Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Andrew McCabe Opens Up About Steele Dossier, Origins Of Trump-Russia Probe

Why is he so panic-chatty all of a sudden?

  • Andrew McCabe offered his most candid remarks to date on the FBI’s decision to open the Trump campaign investigation, as well as about the Steele dossier.
  • The former FBI deputy director was largely defensive of both, but he said dossier author Christopher Steele acknowledged he could not vouch for the accuracy of some parts of his report.
  • McCabe, a CNN analyst, is under Justice Department investigation. He spoke at an event hosted by his CNN colleague, Carl Bernstein.

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11 Comments on Andrew McCabe Opens Up About Steele Dossier, Origins Of Trump-Russia Probe

  1. When they start to flip it there is going to be a tsunami of like situated deep staters all following the advice of their attorneys, trying to get onboard early in order to cut the fattest hog.

  2. The Democrats will decide if anything comes of this, and I’m guessing they will decide nothing will.

    But maybe I’m wrong, time will tell.

    And it will be only a short time, not a long one, till we know.

  3. EVeryone who signed one of those fraudulent fisa warrants should rot in prison. But i highly doubt any of them will see a day behind bars.

    But what will happen is every time we get word that one of them is in jeopardy, the sdny attorneys will indict someone from around trump and the news will be all about those indictments.

    I.E. Biden got paid off 900k and all we heard about was the two guys that got indicted that guiliani worked with.

  4. I do know that our side had better get on the offensive soon. They are harping on this impeachment crap nonstop and we’re dealing with a public that isn’t always following closely enough.
    Once it finally starts I’m hoping they’ll fall like domino’s.

  5. The DOJ will get the goods on the conspirators. The evidence will be incontrovertible. Every i will be dotted and every t crossed.

    Just in time for the next Democrat administration/congress to bury it all.

  6. Gin – Yup!!
    I dunno if there is some election strategy at work here or what, but I am of the mind that justice should be pursued regardless of election timing. Not only that, but I bet you dollars to doughnuts that there is ten years of litigation here easy!
    But you’re right, once it finally starts, they’ll scatter like rats and fall like coyotes!
    The best part of that is the democRATs KNOW it and I hope it’s giving them a warm, runny feeling!

  7. Charlie B. ponders, ought he dare to line up to kick the ball?
    Is kicking a field goal really possible? Or just a never obtainable dream? Can dreams really come true?
    Is he just being overly skeptical due to the long history of dashed hopes? Kicking a field goal seems as elusive as justice.


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