Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion? – IOTW Report

Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?

FOX: Almost from the start, Democrats and their media echo chamber have moved the goal posts on collusion. The original allegation – the political narrative that the Clinton campaign, through Obama administration alchemy, honed into a counterintelligence investigation – was that that the Trump campaign was complicit in Russia’s “cyberespionage” attacks on the 2016 election.

But there was no evidence that candidate Trump and his surrogates had anything to do with the Kremlin’s hacking and propaganda schemes. And no supporting logic. The Russians are very good at espionage. They neither needed nor wanted American help, their operations predated Trump’s entry into the campaign, and some of those operations were anti-Trump.

Nevertheless, in short order, that endlessly elastic word, collusion, was being stretched to the breaking point – covering every conceivable type of association between Trump associates and Russia.

Some of these were unseemly, such as the Trump Tower meeting, an apparently unsuccessful effort to obtain campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton. More of them were routine, such as incoming national-security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the post-election transition. But none of these collusion episodes were criminal. The only “collusion” prosecutors care about is conspiracy; a criminal agreement to violate a federal penal statute – such as the laws against hacking.

There was never any such evidence. There was just unverified, sensational, hearsay nonsense – the Steele dossier generated by the Clinton campaign.  MORE

10 Comments on Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?

  1. He might be one of the principal actors in this whole scandal. Longer he could draw this outm, the more money you got money he got. What bigger motive is needed?
    Injustice is the Hallmark of his career.

  2. For Mueller it was about pay back for firing Comey.
    “How dare Trump fire a protege of J.Edgar Hoover.”
    Then Mueller had an epiphany, “shit, Trump is innocent”, I better stretch this out a couple years to CMA.”

    We better make examples out of all these pukes or our system of justice is toast.

  3. He knew instantly because he was a co-conspirator for an illegal attempt to undue an election and remove a duly elected President. That is also known as treason.

    See, I did investigation and legal analysis for free and in under 30 seconds.

  4. Right from the start, hatched by the very same people selling Hope & Change Snake Oil® for decades! Just ask any dumbed-down, un-informed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, media-influenced, free-shit-grabbing, Kool-Aid drinking, entitlement rich, busted-ass, government-dependent, short-attention span Lo Fo and you’ll find it’s been their drug of choice for over two years!


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