Andrew Yang tells Democrats they have lost touch with the working class; liberals lash out at him on social media – IOTW Report

Andrew Yang tells Democrats they have lost touch with the working class; liberals lash out at him on social media


Blaze: Former presidential candidate and entrepreneur Andrew Yang scolded the Democratic Party on CNN on Thursday, telling them that they had lost touch with the working class, and liberals responded by excoriating him on social media.

Yang made the comments on CNN Thursday evening while discussing the results of the election and the disappointing losses to Democrats in Congress.

He explained that when he was a candidate he would tell working-class Americans that he was running as a Democrat and that they they would often flinch as if he’d said something negative.

“There’s something deeply wrong when working-class Americans have that response to a major party that theoretically is supposed to be fighting for them, so you have to ask yourself what has the Democratic Party been standing for in their minds?” Yang said.

“And in their minds the Democratic Party unfortunately, has taken on this role of the coastal urban elites who are more concerned about policing various cultural issues than improving their way of life, that has been declining for years.” he explained. “And so if you’re in that situation, this to me is a fundamental problem for the Democratic Party because if they don’t figure this out, then this polarization and division will get worse not better.” more here

5 Comments on Andrew Yang tells Democrats they have lost touch with the working class; liberals lash out at him on social media

  1. The Democratic Party “lost touch with the working class” ?

    Nah, they’re just like NFL football players: cheat to win.

    And they don’t believe in citizens’ rights of one man/one vote.

    Meaning, they no longer believe in Democracy.

    This much is clear at the moment: The United States of America is incapable of holding a Presidential election.

  2. The democrats do not recognize us as citizens. To them we are subjects they can treat any old way they want to. If they successfully pull off stealing the election from Trump, they will gain more power by fixing more future elections, and with that power they will treat us with even more contempt. Something similar to the way the CCP treats their subjects in China.

  3. Fundamentally, Dems don’t care about the working class, or anything but gaining, and retaining, power.
    See martin van buren’s original scheme for his democratic party to control the press-not only has it greatly expanded, it’s worked very well.

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