Andrew Yang: ‘Too Late’ to Stop Global Warming; Move to ‘Higher Ground’ – IOTW Report

Andrew Yang: ‘Too Late’ to Stop Global Warming; Move to ‘Higher Ground’


Tech entrepreneur and Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said at CNN’s debate Wednesday in Detroit that the United States cannot prevent doomsday climate change scenarios — even with drastic economic changes — and should start moving citizens to “higher ground” to avoid flooding.

“The United States is only 15 percent of global emissions,” Yang said. “We like to act as if we’re 100 percent.”

“But the truth is even if we were to curb our emissions dramatically, the Earth is going to get warmer, and we can see it around us this summer,” Yang said.

And while some of the Democrat candidates say the United States has only ten years to avert climate change disaster, Yang said we are ten years behind. more here

10 Comments on Andrew Yang: ‘Too Late’ to Stop Global Warming; Move to ‘Higher Ground’

  1. It’s a lot less expensive too.
    For more than a decade Bjorn Lomborg has offered realistic and cost-effective solutions to GW. Well, as it were, but certainly compared to the absolutely pointless cap & trade BS. Problem is that his solutions don’t create wealth for their proponents.

  2. Global Warming/Cooling has been ongoing since we climbed out of the primordial ooze. Previously though, people were smart enough to move away from the danger areas. Now, we build on shorelines, and when there’s not enough shoreline we dump billions of gallons of new sand along the shoreline to extend it out into the danger path. Despite terrific opportunities for advancement, humans themselves have grown stupider.

  3. So I guess we should be using our $1k a month to start stock piling supplies and work on building our own personal arcs. Come on how long will we really be safe on higher ground at this rate?!

  4. I’m with Claudia. $1,000 a month is a surviving wage, not a living wage.

    America can do better than that. Think of all the workers employed to build the four car garage on my 6,000 square foot house.

    Come on, Yang. I believe in you. We’re AmeriCANS. Not AmeriCAN’Ts.


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