Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz Confront John Durham About His Spray Paint Motive to Cover a Corrupt FBI and DOJ – IOTW Report

Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz Confront John Durham About His Spray Paint Motive to Cover a Corrupt FBI and DOJ


Representative Andy Biggs and Representative Matt Gaetz both confronted John Durham about his role in covering for a politically corrupt and weaponized Dept of Justice and FBI.

Matt Gaetz specifically confronts Durham over his lack of holding people accountable.  The confrontation between Matt Gaetz and John Durham should have been the tone of the entire hearing.  WATCH:

5 Comments on Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz Confront John Durham About His Spray Paint Motive to Cover a Corrupt FBI and DOJ

  1. Nothing but empty bellowing by the smooth between the legs republicans Gaetz and Biggs. Bullshit hearings which will change nothing.

    Took about Transgender assholes – Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you for your consideration the soulless, spine and ball sack removed, lying do nothing republicans in Congress. Every day the question I ask myself is why vote republican? Traitors all.

  2. Matt Gaetz should be the next Attorney General.

    BTW Did you know AG Bill Barrs father was Epsteins mentor and gave him his first job at a girls prep school? Did you know his father wrote a book about 40 year old men having sex with teen girls? Conspiracy theory? Fact; Epstein did teach at the school .

  3. Correct, the Republicans do nothing – ever. However, I’m beginning to think they can’t because the power of the “deep state” is overwhelming. Far too much power has accumulated within the “agencies”, those on both sides of the isle know this and all of them are afraid. No one is immune from retaliation that could come in one form or another. Even Trump has seemed a little subdued lately.


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