Andy Puzder Withdraws As Labor Secretary Nominee – IOTW Report

Andy Puzder Withdraws As Labor Secretary Nominee

He was scared off.


President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Labor, CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder, withdrew his name from consideration Wednesday.

In a statement provided to The Associated Press, Puzder said that he was “honored to have been considered by President Donald Trump to lead the Department of Labor and put America’s workers and businesses back on a path to sustainable prosperity.” His Senate hearing was scheduled for the next day.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell informed the White House that Puzder lacked the votes necessary for confirmation, effectively ending any effort to save his nomination.

Following news of his withdrawal, Senate Democrats and representatives took to Twitter, heralding it as a major victory.

 Puzder was the focus of an intense campaign by union-backed protesters, Fight for $15 activists and Democrat senators to block his nomination.

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7 Comments on Andy Puzder Withdraws As Labor Secretary Nominee

  1. If Turtleboy McConnell can’t do his job, then he should go on vacation along with all of his Senate buddies and let President Trump (Doesn’t that have a sweet ring?) proceed with recess appointments — unless, of course, McCondick is in reality a neverTrumper.

  2. Mitch McConnell is ineffective at best, a simpleton at worst.

    Who ever thought of having a Department of Labor being led by a capitalist and not a Union sucking socialist?

    Have McCONnell submit the GOP names of those who would not approve Trump’s nominee. Are they hiding behind Schumer’s skirt or McCain’s?

  3. The GOPe remain obstructionists….. when they were a majority in the senate it’s a shame they never objected to Obama’s progressive/corrupt/socialist appointees. Like Loretta Lynch.
    Fools, we are being done in by self-serving establishment fools.

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