Angela Merkel walks out of parliament in a huff when confronted about migrants – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel walks out of parliament in a huff when confronted about migrants

Geller Report: Merkel walks out of parliament after leader lambasts her support for catastrophic migrant policies.

Beautiful and long overdue.

Now keep walking.

Merkel walks out of parliament after AfD leader lambasts her support for migrant quota system

RT, 23 Feb, 2018:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked out of a parliamentary session after a leader from the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party criticized her support of a proposed EU refugee distribution system.

While Merkel and AfD have never been friends, one particular comment by the party’s co-founder, Alexander Gauland, prompted her to leave the Bundestag on Thursday. That remark slammed the chancellor’s support for an EU quota system for accepting refugees.

“Countries want to decide for themselves who they take in. There is no national duty with regard to multiculturalism,” Gauland said.

AfD co-founder Alice Weidel also had a lot to say during the session, including her view that Merkel is trying to punish the UK for voting to leave the European Union.

“The EU wants to make an example of Great Britain, a punishment beyond any economic or political reason. This is not how one treats a European partner,” Weidel said. “Now Brussels, Paris, and Berlin are afraid that others could follow, that other states in Europe could take back their sovereignty.”  MORE HERE

12 Comments on Angela Merkel walks out of parliament in a huff when confronted about migrants

  1. “Now Brussels, Paris, and Berlin are afraid that others could follow, that other states in Europe could take back their sovereignty.”

    That pretty much sums it up. I hope other countries begin to see through the multiculti hashish smoke and indeed “take back their sovereignty”.

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