Angela Merkel’s fall from grace – IOTW Report

Angela Merkel’s fall from grace

American Thinker: Not too long ago, Angela Merkel was hailed as “the leader of the free world” and declared Time Magazine’s “person of the year” – the “chancellor of the free world.”  That was before the reckoning for her decision that what Deutschland needed was virtue-signaling, in the form of a million “refugees,” the overwhelming majority of whom were military-age males, claiming to be fleeing the brutal civil war in Syria.  The result, predictable to anyone who lives in the real world, where the irony of “the religion of peace” sobriquet for Islam is blindingly obvious, is that her coalition government is fighting for its life, and she is faced with an intolerable choice.

Her ruling coalition depends on the votes of Bavaria’s Christian Social Union (CSU), whose leader is demanding that Germany turn away any more refugees at the borders, or else he will resign and pull his party’s votes from the coalition, resulting in new elections, which Merkel is likely to lose.  more here

9 Comments on Angela Merkel’s fall from grace

  1. Blah blah blah.
    How many times we gonna hear “Merkel’s gone. She’s cooked. This is it.”?
    A year later there’s still Merkel.
    Along with another couple hundred thousand “refugees”.

  2. I for one have been wondering what the Hell took the German Men so long to respond to the A hole Muslims ruining their Country, and the Hitler Spawn who Invited the Ants in to begin with. Are the Germans still shell shocked from Angela’s Fathers mess, and what do they do now, become Racially motivated again all over again ?

  3. Frau Merkel, Commandant of the Greater Communist East Germany Stalag, & Obergruppenführer Chancellor of Unified Deutschland requires more ‘loyalists’!

    Resistance is Futile! Heil!!!

  4. I rather think Soros is getting ready to throw Frau Merkel under the bus.

    She was expected to lead the controlled demise of Europe to a predetermined
    degree of distress by now and has not. Obama had 8 years to hasten the demise
    of the US and completely lost control of that process here because of Trump.
    Time for plan B to reanimate the process of destruction in Europe with a new

    I look for Soros to begin to elevate the Wee Frenchman who married his
    Grandmother to a level commensurate with that which Merkel enjoyed. After all,
    he needs to get this accomplished before he’s iced down.


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