Angry, Antifa-Weary Portland Businesses Form Group to Do Mayor’s Job – IOTW Report

Angry, Antifa-Weary Portland Businesses Form Group to Do Mayor’s Job


Much of downtown Portland’s core is still boarded up and dying, the aftermath of months of antifa and Black Lives Matter rioting, looting, and arson. The mayor has done little except to offer clean plywood to cover windows and make a few speeches. Now some businessmen and women have formed a new group to save their city with or without him.

For months, businesses in the Portland Business Alliance have pleaded and begged the mayor to stop the violence, which is destroying current business and costing them millions of dollars. But Mayor Ted Wheeler has given them promises and not much else in return. Between the governor’s draconian COVID shutdowns and the city’s reputation for lawlessness and violence, Portland’s reputation as a popular and safe tourist destination is taking a huge hit too.

The latest insurrection by the radical mob, the occupation of a neighborhood in North Portland, is currently taking hold.

Antifa and BLM members are holed up with a cache of weapons, according to police.


17 Comments on Angry, Antifa-Weary Portland Businesses Form Group to Do Mayor’s Job

  1. “The antifa Red House autonomous zone continues to grow as it is now in its fourth day. Militants continue to build new border check points further and further out to buffer the area”

    They’re there because they’re allowed to be there, and they’re allowed top be there because it serves some powerful interests political purposes for them to be there.

    A couple of simple snipers would solve the problem without endangering the innocents caught up in it or doing much if any damage to their property.

    Go after those responsible and put a stop to it without hurting anyone else.

  2. Complete waste of time. Unless Oregon repeals mail in voting nothing is going to change. Oh, by the way: If they’re in business in Portland, they’re libs. Effum.

  3. Sad to watch the demise of a once nice city. These businesses haven’t realized the depth of the sewage lagoon they helped to create. They are doomed but just don’t know it. The smart ones are leaving, the fools are creating downtown business coalitions.

  4. Listened to Prager today as I was driving and he made a good point about secession I hadn’t considered before. It was brought up by a caller that Texas was considering it. First I heard, but nonsense as far as I’m concerned – the U.S. would be handed to the left at that point – no matter how many states joined Texas.

    Anyways, Prager made the point that Kali and Oregon have already seceded by ignoring U.S. laws and customs and allowing the destruction of society without consequence. Something that has never been tolerated before in U.S. history.

    Seems like they will be ripe for a hostile takeover in the relatively near future. Just like any autonomous zone could be invaded and taken over because violence rules in their world, baby. Just playin’ by the rules you’ve set, dummy.

    BTW, I think any five guys with commitment could take an auto-zone in one night. Maybe in just an hour or two.


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