Angry Obama Lashes Out Over Missed Intel Meetings – IOTW Report

Angry Obama Lashes Out Over Missed Intel Meetings


WASHINGTON (WNB) – President Obama lost his temper with reporters at a White House news conference on Wednesday while answering questions about his missing the majority of security intelligence briefings during his second term:

  • President Obama: I think you are all aware of the fact Michelle has us eating healthy these days, and that means lots of grains which means lots of fiber. As a result, during the time reserved for the intelligence meetings, on many mornings I’ve been forced to attend to ‘personal’ business.


18 Comments on Angry Obama Lashes Out Over Missed Intel Meetings

  1. Zonga’s favorite buttpuppet, Elmo, needs to take his little comedy act out on the road PERMANENTLY – Ohole NEVER should’ve been allowed to steal the nomination from hitlary due to stuffing the illegal vote in the vegas casinos

  2. how much more does it cost the taxpayers to have two studly muzzie wipers standing by to tend the Massah when he has the green apple quick step?? You know Barky doesn’t wipe his own hole…seriously.

  3. I was sitting on the crapper on Election Night 2012 when I heard the announcer say that President Obama had been re-elected to a second term. I put my head in my hands and just kepr muttering to myself, “This is the beginning of the end; this is the beginning of the end……”

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