Angry Sorority Girls do Social Justice – IOTW Report

Angry Sorority Girls do Social Justice

Patriot Retort:

Have you noticed how these so-called “protests” for “Black Lives Matter” seem to consist of nothing but a mob of Angry Sorority Girls screeching incoherently at the police? It’s performative drama from the Tri-Delt set.

I can’t tell you how many videos I’ve seen on Twitter of shrieking white chicks berating police and getting in their faces while their sorority sisters film it on their smart phones.  From DC to Seattle to New York to Chicago, these Angry Sorority Girls are everywhere. read more

28 Comments on Angry Sorority Girls do Social Justice

  1. I was gonna be careful with this comment, but what the hell?

    They need a good horse fucking but they don’t have access to real men.

    There. I said it.
    Not sorry.

  2. PHenry is right, all the White bois are soy filled faggots so no sex THERE, and the Black boys will beat them, knock them up, and dump ’em cause, dey kultur, so the ladies either Lickalotapus or get Black eyes from Black guys, so it probably IS very sexually frustrating to them in the year of our Lord 2020…

  3. And then they go mudsharking, get knocked up and abandoned, head off to Planned Parenthood, and condemn the rest of the lives (and anyone who tries to get close to them) to a living Hell.

  4. I have a sane female friend who lives in the middle of a loony liberal town.
    She doesn’t DARE mention she is voting Trump.
    She says ALL the liberals have one main trait in common: anger issues.
    They are all angry. Always pissed off. All the time.

    The same estrogen elements that make soy boy
    cause hyper hyper emotional females…
    God help these young men that date these screeeching

  6. Once you try-Delts you won’t try anything else….I can testify to that….thanks Kate….40 year old memories so fresh that you think you might need to slap them…HEH….

  7. As long as they tear down the LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX I’m willing to look the other way.

    ~ Police: Armed collection agents for the city.
    ~ Courts: Who need fresh victims to pay employees.
    ~ Jails / Prisons / Probation Officers, same.
    ~ You pay out of pocket for your defense, the gov’t collects endless money to prosecute you (also your money).
    ~ Police and courts are not about JUSTICE, they are about how many people they can successfully prosecute.

    Throwing garbage at the police (who stand down when ordered) and spray painting and setting fire to courthouses?

    Um, why are right-wingers opposed to tearing down the big bloated abusive government they are always railing against?

    Bah! Let them do it, leave the businesses alone, or they should just arm and defend themselves.


  8. “Um, why are right-wingers opposed to tearing down the big bloated abusive government they are always railing against?”

    Cuz’ we don’t live on the planet of the apes, Frank.

    The only thing that needs tearing, is a new asshoe for all these insane lefties wanting to destroy everything.

  9. The fatties are fun to watch. On a video of “protesters” in LA, I saw one waddle over to get in a cop’s face. He pushed her over and I heard an “ooof” as she went down. Then, I swear, the place rattled. I’m thinking 5.3 on the Richter scale.
    The big girl got up and got pushed down again. No “ooof”, but there was some jiggly going on.
    Another sister of size waddled over, but stopped before engaging. I’m thinking she caught wind of the snack bar nearby.
    The gloves are off. I’m tired of being nice. I’m laughing my ass off at these videos!

  10. Stupid women like them who also raise stupid soy boys is why for years I’ve argued it wouldn’t be a bad thing to take away women’s right to vote.

  11. …Y’know, one thing I learned in years of dealing with legitimately insane people is that you can’t think like a crazy person…because you, YOURSELF are not crazy. Even if you ARE crazy, it’s not the SAME crazy, so even a crazy person can’t think like another crazy person.

    And crazy people are capable of literally ANYTHING, with no warning and no self-preservation instict BECAUSE they’re crazy. If you chase a crazy person, he (or she) may well lead you over a cliff because they’re crazy.

    You can’t understand crazy.

    You can’t fix crazy.

    All you can reasonably do is recognize it AS crazy, and keep it from hurting itself and, more importantly, OTHERS…

  12. “In the end, none of these self-absorbed, narcissistic children will learn a damn thing.”

    Well, they might if dealt with properly.

    Remember, “There is no education in the second kick of a mule.”

    Meaning most people learn the first time they get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them.

  13. Naw, there is a ‘screaming meamie’ locked up inside every female just waiting to get out! This just happens to be the opportunity, and time, to let it out! As a side-note: Women better hope and pray that the civility they are working to destroy doesn’t happen as they are the sure victims and losers when it does!

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