[…] These whorish toys from the Great Satan are designed to turn our beloved Muslim young women into western whores who may one day think they have a…bwahahaha…right to drive! Also, what Muslim jihadist would want to marry a 6 year old if she spends all her time playing with Barbie dolls when she should be more concerned about her 60 year old husband’s sword of Allah! Yes, Islam is the religion that brings such joys and happiness! For Muslim men, that is. As for Muslim women? Hahaha….well, that is not my problem, now is it? MORE
All our cozies are belong to us.
All your females is laughing at you behind tour back.
If Muslim women looked like Barbie they wouldn’t be draped in black robes.
Moslem Barbies have massive chin hairs, deep yellow teeth and suicide vests–that’s what’s under their ‘covers’!!!
My eight year old daughter wouldn’t take a barbie doll if you gave it to her.
She hates the eyes on all “dolls”.
‘Bout like I hate clowns.
There’s something to be said about that.