Animal Rights Protesters Try to Disrupt Christie at Iowa State Fair – IOTW Report

Animal Rights Protesters Try to Disrupt Christie at Iowa State Fair

christie animal rights protesters

Watch How Fast They’re Tossed off Stage.

“Governor Christie and Iowa — Stop exploiting animals. It’s not food, it’s violence.”

16 Comments on Animal Rights Protesters Try to Disrupt Christie at Iowa State Fair

  1. There should have been a tip on where to start at the end of the dork’s spiel. I feel somewhat gritty and grungy after having heard his shallow rambling.

    I wish I had the attribution so I could post the funny pic going around of the fried “Hush Puppies”. 🙂

    B C Aeich

  2. That’s why I could never run for office – I’d smacked em in the back of the head with my fist, and pushed the girl off the front of the stage, onto her face.

    And everybody would be calling me a “meany.”

  3. And as much as I don’t like Christie, I have to admire the way those PETA punks were taken down. Now THAT’S how you handle #BLM, the EnviroNazis, PETA, and all those other Libtard hippy punks.

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