Anita Hill backs probe into Biden rape charges – IOTW Report

Anita Hill backs probe into Biden rape charges

This isn’t about protecting a victim of harassment. Anita Hill has hated Joe Biden since the Clarence Thomas hearing.

Lifezette: On Friday, leftist celebrity, icon, and current Brandeis law professor Anita Hill upset Democrat pros and national leaders by refusing to give Joe Biden a pass on Tara Reade. She spoke to The New York Time: “Joe Biden has denied Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations, but that should not be the end of the inquiry. Without these essential elements, uncertainty about who to believe and whether it matters will continue.”

She concluded, “How we proceed comes down to whether we take allegations of sexual violations seriously enough to insist that public institutions have fair procedures in place that protect individuals’ rights to come forward, and the rights of those who are accused to defend themselves.”

The Times itself has now called for a full investigation into the Reade charges. These developments are huge. If these two leftist and Democrat stalwarts are putting distance between themselves and the Biden effort, has the word gone out? Has the Clinton Machine or the Socialist rump decided that he is too damaged to get the nomination? Have they settled on a slow drip drip of torture to build up the case against him and have they told their press toadies to begin the effort? more here

10 Comments on Anita Hill backs probe into Biden rape charges

  1. While yer at it, investigate how someone as dumb as Jackass Joe can stay in office for almost a half century!
    How dumb is he you ask?
    Jackass Joe is so dumb he tried to lynch a Black man with a pubic hair!

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama just asked Doctor Jill, “Who is Anita Hill, and why does she want me to sniff her hair?”

    Better get an answer to this question on the teleprompter before Poor Joey goes off the script.

  3. Brandeis law professor Anita Hill. Brandeis LAW PROFESSOR Anita Hill. Yes, this is how the “brave woman” who spoke “Truth To Power” has ‘suffered’ these past 30 years. A no-talent legal assistant is rewarded with a tenured professorship for lying to destroy the reputation of a decent man. Meanwhile Tara Reade is being destroyed for reporting what a known scumbag did to her. Still waiting to see how “brave” Christine Blasey Ford will “suffer” for her bullshit testimony.

  4. @Tony R May 4, 2020 at 11:04 am

    > Brandeis LAW PROFESSOR Anita Hill. Yes, this is how the “brave woman” who spoke “Truth To Power” has ‘suffered’ these past 30 years.

    So being forced to pin a lesbian prinxess medal on your chest is, in this, the current year, a reward?

    My Nazi mind boggles.

  5. If Anita Hill’s “backing” of the probe amounts to anything, I may have to set aside my decades long disgust of her. Only if, Biden really does finally pay a price for his life of theft, perversion and treason.

  6. @Tiger Eyes
    MAY 4, 2020 AT 11:22 AM
    “Anita Hill trying to save her evil life of lies before it’s too late? I hope what she did haunts her forever.“

    Don’t bet on it. While anyone can be redeemed, she is a dyed in the wool leftist, to whom the end always justifies the means. And don’t expect any death-bed confession from “devout Catholic” Nancy Pelosi either.


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