Anita Hill: Joe Biden still ‘hasn’t apologized to me’ – IOTW Report

Anita Hill: Joe Biden still ‘hasn’t apologized to me’


Joseph R. Biden has long expressed regret over how Anita Hill was treated after she alleged sexual harassment by then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, but the Brandeis University professor said Thursday that she never got the personal apology she thinks she deserves from the former vice president.

Mr. Biden chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991 when Ms. Hill alleged then-nominee Justice Thomas sexually harassed her while he was her supervisor at the Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Mr. Biden has expressed regret over the treatment of Ms. Hill during the proceedings and said repeatedly that he owes her an apology.

Ms. Hill, who has long criticized Mr. Biden’s handling of the hearings, said she still hasn’t heard from the former vice president.

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SNIP: When is she going to apologize to Clarence Thomas?

7 Comments on Anita Hill: Joe Biden still ‘hasn’t apologized to me’

  1. “…the Brandeis University professor…” Is there anyone who actually believes she would have amounted to anything other than a low-level, assistant to an assistant, had she not tried to derail Thomas’ confirmation? Now she wants an apology?


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