Ann Coulter Explains How President Trump And The GOP Can Prevent A ‘Blue Tsunami’ – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter Explains How President Trump And The GOP Can Prevent A ‘Blue Tsunami’

DC: Conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter has some advice for President Trump and Republicans hoping to prevent a media-predicted “blue tsunami” in the elections on Tuesday.

In an exclusive Daily Caller video, Coulter explained why, at least as far as the House of Representatives is concerned, the difference between a “ripple” or a “tsunami” doesn’t matter all that much.  more

11 Comments on Ann Coulter Explains How President Trump And The GOP Can Prevent A ‘Blue Tsunami’

  1. When the illegal alien caravan gets close to here with all the terrorists, rapists and all them, the horrible behavior we saw from Mexico’s southern border and up the tail, Congress will be begging for a damn wall. Not because they’re scared, but because they’ll look worse than they accuse Trump of being. And the lil Representatives will be voted out, and there will be senators recalled. lol

  2. As for Ann, I can agree with her on a lot of things, but she can’t be 100% seriously angry with Trump on immigration when she was throwing her panties at Chris Christie a few years ago. Mr. open borders and open fridge. Come on.

  3. Looks like the migrant invasion horde killed both of Ann’s birds with one stone. She wanted Executive branch border enforcement? Bam! 15,000 troops on the border. She wanted him to hammer sanctuary cities? That’s like, years ago, dude. How about an immigrant invasion horde to hammer? Much more gripping.

    Besides, when the border becomes a barrier, the supply of pet illegals will dry up and sanctuary cities will become passé on the jaded left. Trump can turn his guns on sanctuary cities, and turn them into ghost towns in his second term.

  4. Used to love her, 2008-12-ish but I don’t see the shine there anymore. Something stinko there I think.

    And I don’t want her throwing panties around my place. I fear they may stick to the wall.

  5. “A friend of mine dated her.”

    You new Jimmy Walker?

    I need to back up a bit. Pre election she did some great things. What happened? I mean she got it. How does she think Trumps office can appropriate funds for a wall by themselves? Freaken illegal aliens know it doesn’t work like that. Where’s she going with this shit? Makes no sense.

  6. Keep in mind that long before Trump came along Ann Coulter was out there {almost alone} banging away at these issues. She takes on all comers and she does so in some of the most hostile environments.
    She’s said some regrettable things on occasion and endorsed some of the wrong people but all in all she’s been a solid plus.
    People should try to focus more of the ridicule on the left instead of skewering those on the front lines because you don’t agree with every little particular. Ann is not the enemy they are!


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