Ann Coulter — Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter — Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty

This week, I will provide readers with a FREE excerpt from Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind in order to prove that if you’d bought the book two months ago, you’d already understand the rules of the game. Now that Democrats are about to take control of the House, this is the only book you’ll need until President Trump is out of office.

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Breitbart: Boring facts can be used to prove big crimes, but in the case of Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s payment to a porn star, what we have is a boring fact being used to prove a boring crime: an alleged violation of the campaign finance laws zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz … Worse: They’re trying to prove a reporting violation.

If Trump paid the $130,000 himself solely to help his campaign — and he wouldn’t have minded at all having a porn star telling the tabloids she’d had sex with him except for the fact that he was running for president — it would be a reporting violation and OH MY GOSH — HE’D HAVE TO PAY A FINE!

Their argument is what if he didn’t pay it himself?! That’s why the media are obsessed with when Cohen emailed Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and from which email address — trying to find bread crumbs that someone else paid Stormy in order to claim it was an illegal campaign contribution — again requiring that the payment be motivated solely by the fact that Trump was running for office.

This is how they lure you into arguing about something that doesn’t matter.

In the 1990s, Chinese nationals were literally dragging duffel bags of money into the Democratic National Committee as President Clinton allowed sensitive ballistic-missile guidance technology to be transferred to the Chinese government.

No charges. No independent counsel.

Clinton held illegal campaign fundraisers at the White House, where Chinese citizens handed checks directly to White House staff.

Still no charges and no independent counsel.

Videotapes of the White House fundraisers surfaced, featuring the president and vice president glad-handing campaign donors on federal property.

And again, no charges, no independent counsel.

The New York Times’ response to Attorney General Janet Reno’s refusal to assign an independent counsel to these textbook campaign finance violations was a forceful editorial lightly ribbing Reno for her “blunders.”

Saturday Night Live was tougher on Reno.

“Weekend Update With Norm Macdonald,” Nov. 8, 1997:

With the release of over 100 hours of videotape of President Clinton at campaign fundraisers, the pressure continues to mount on Attorney General Janet Reno to name an independent counsel to investigate the president. In addition, some senators are said to be furious that, instead of watching the videotapes, Reno has been taping over them with episodes of “Xena: Warrior Princess.”

But now we’re supposed to care that Trump’s personal lawyer lied about a legal payment to, depending on your point of view, a mistress or an opportunistic grifter — AND HE USED A TRUMP ORGANIZATION EMAIL ADDRESS.

Lying to the press isn’t a crime, and paying money to cover up an affair isn’t a crime, either, even if you’re running for president. If these were crimes, John Edwards would be on death row.  read more

4 Comments on Ann Coulter — Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty

  1. They’d all be on death row.

    But under the cliche about the ham sandwich indictment is that no one ever thought that the ham sandwich would willingly accept, nay – jump at the opportunity, to accept a guilty plea for something that’s not a crime.

    It’s a political move more than a legal one. He plead guilty! To what exactly? A cover up! A cover up of what? An adulterous affair! Which is still not illegal, correct? He used a Trump org e-mail address!

    So fucking what.

    He paid two whores to shut their whore mouths. He didn’t rape them. He didn’t sexually assault them. He waved some dollar bills in front of bottom end Cinemax talent and they responded in a Pavlovian way.

    At the end of the day, they are both going to end up paying HIM for the privilege since they don’t understand what Non-Disclosure means.

    The latent function of all of this is to hopefully entice Melania into a divorce. If they can’t get him out of office, they’ll try to destroy his wife, kids and businesses. That’s ultimately what this entire gambit is about. It’s got Clinton sleaze all over it. Because nothing says chutzpah like those two degenerates wagging their fingers at the moral failings of others.

    And who is representing Cohen? Oh, yea – Lanny Davis. Clinton Sleaze to the core. In a vault in Martha’s Vineyard, there’s a picture of him and Jon Podesta spitroasting a Boy Scout.

    In football terms, the Clintons are running down the clock here. If they can keep him occupied, they stand a chance to get him out of office before His DoJ can go after them. It’s hammers and tongs and I don’t see anyone on our side willing to drop a hammer on them. 2020 election is 23 months away and he’s been on defense since before he was inaugurated because of an illegal campaign finance move by the Clintons to Perkins Coie to buy the Russian dossier.


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