Ann Coulter on the media: They’re too far gone – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter on the media: They’re too far gone

DC: On today’s video edition of the Daily Daily Caller Podcast we sit down with best-selling author Ann Coulter to talk about her newest book, “Resistance is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind.” In typical Ann Coulter fashion, she holds nothing back when it comes to how the media has turned into “La Resistance” and how destroying journalism may be the only thing that can save it, and it does need to be saved.

It’s a funny and important discussion with one of the most popular conservative writers on the planet.  WATCH

10 Comments on Ann Coulter on the media: They’re too far gone

  1. Many in the Media Who are Controlled won’t be able to face reality, and will leave the Public Spotlight once they are Outed as Criminals.
    I think they could (or should) go to Jail for misinforming us as well.

  2. Gee, who’d a predicted this? Ann has a new book to peddle. She followed Cenk Uygur on CSPAN/Washington Journal a few mornings ago. Must’ve been the a.m. hour, or she hadn’t read her “new book”, as she didn’t score many pts as in this DC interview.
    Ann takes a second to no one on the immigration issue, except when she constantly threatens to dump Trump over the lack of progress on the Wall.
    Also, she takes a second to no one on self promotion.
    I wonder if she’ll be campaigning for Mitt?

  3. She’s getting closer to the real question in America – Will those of us who love America be able to continue to celebrate her and live in a free country with all of these liars, fraudsters, and leftist cut-throats having no avenue of retreat? Or do they?

  4. Ann Coulter cannot keep her hands OUT of her hair. She was on Tucker Carlson for five minutes recently, and I counted 11 times she ran her fingers through her hair. Stroking as though comforting herself. She needs to either cut her hair off or cut her hands off. For God sakes leave your damn bleached hair alone, it’s not all that pretty.

  5. CAROLEIGH, maybe she just needs to keep something in her hand. She should just bring a cigarette with her on the set. That would be much more triggering than the hair thing.

    They shoul NOT go to jail for telling Commie lies! The 1st Ammend grants all of us the right to speak – truth or lies the same. I shed a lot of blood defending America; which to me means, as it did 51 years ago, the Constitution.

    I would not have been un happy if the “great” KGB agent W. Cronkite had been run over by a truck 50 years ago. But I would fight anyone trying to arrest him for spreading USSR lies!
    What the Commie believed (I think) to be truth I know to be a lie. But were he alive today I would defend his right to lie to me; as I do Herr Blitzer.(Wolfie du bis ein Scheistakauph!)

  7. The “ex Jarhead” speaks truth. (Although I’ve heard rumors that there were only four ex-jarheads – the rest are former marines.) This ex-grunt will defend the speaking of idiocy by any of the media BECAUSE of my oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States which includes the First Amendment.
    As well as the Second. Your mileage may differ – my oath won’t.


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