Anna Luna offers EPIC response to all the fuss over MAGA swimsuit – IOTW Report

Anna Luna offers EPIC response to all the fuss over MAGA swimsuit


U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has got the left all worked up over some modeling videos she did back in 2016 — to be fair, many on the right may be worked up as well, though not for the same reason.

The firebrand conservative politician is a Trump supporter who is quickly developing a reputation for taking it to her Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill. She has designed swimwear and women’s shirts, and her portfolio includes plenty of swimsuit modeling, including a 2016 MAGA offering. read more

15 Comments on Anna Luna offers EPIC response to all the fuss over MAGA swimsuit

  1. at seventeen, i was 37-23-36……there were no over the counter clothes that fit me, on account of being very high waisted, but that was okay,because i knew how to sew and make things fit, and also i made most of my clothes myself…when i bought jeans, it was normal for me to rip out the waistband to fit, because there were no jeans with my small waist and my wide hips…anna luna is a beautiful woman who has no problem acknowlsedging that she is a beautiful woman….what’s wrong with that?

    she has been a sports illustrated model, amongst many other modeling jobs….she is a beautiful woman, and no one should be allowed to denigrate because of that….

    she has also proven herself to be a very smart and capable person, and anyone attacking her because of her appearance is an idiot….


  2. But it’s OK for a pedophile to be Presidunce?
    And a known cock-holster to be Vice-Presidunce?
    And Bill Clinton got blow-jobs in the White Hut with an intern paid by the US taxpayers?

    Oh, ye vipers and hypocrites …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim-FJB. Don’t forget the guy who shot the gay porno in a congressional hearing room.
    Or the freaks within the administration who are men, yet insist they are women.
    The DemoCommies sure love themselves all things hideous.
    A real woman is like garlic to those vampires.

  4. I dated a Rosie Palmer one time. Met her on a Zoom Call. Took her out for some Beef Strokinoff. Then we went to my pad and had group sex with an ex Yankee relief pitcher named Lefty Hand

    (Stop me before I pun again)


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