Anna Paulina: Democrats Turn a Blind Eye to Modern-Day Slavery – IOTW Report

Anna Paulina: Democrats Turn a Blind Eye to Modern-Day Slavery

Breitbart: Conservative Hispanic activist Anna Paulina told Breitbart News that the Democrat Party reminds black Americans that slavery once existed in the country, yet the same politicians “turn a blind eye” when it comes to modern-day slavery of Latin Americans, enabled by unsecured borders.

“You have people like Nancy Pelosi, one of the most powerful women in politics rights now,” said Paulina to Breitbart News in Los Angeles at Candace Owens’ first Blexit event, “saying that she cares about children — that she cares about Hispanics.”

“Yet [Pelosi] is ignoring the stats that the State Department put out, she’s ignoring the fact that there is literally slavery of women and children,” continued Paulina, “These children — they are trafficked, they are raped, they are killed, and [Democrats] turn a blind eye to it.”

Paulina also noted the hypocrisy perpetuated by Democrat politicians.

“They will remind black Americans every single day, that at one point, there was slavery,” said Paulina, “but when it comes to Hispanics, they turn a blind eye to [slavery], because, you know what, they only care about the vote.”  read more

3 Comments on Anna Paulina: Democrats Turn a Blind Eye to Modern-Day Slavery

  1. Blacks have lost their collective minds. Worst, are the ignoramus ruh athletes. White kids, given their ‘privilege’, are worse.

    Obama set the country back 100 years. Sessions sealed the deal.


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