Annie Glenn, widow of astronaut John Glenn, dies at age 100 – IOTW Report

Annie Glenn, widow of astronaut John Glenn, dies at age 100

“Since December of 2016, John’s been patiently waiting for his Annie. Today, they’re both where they always wanted to be: together — for all eternity.” MORE

16 Comments on Annie Glenn, widow of astronaut John Glenn, dies at age 100

  1. …John Glenn was a (D) senator from OH, so some here were impressed with his heroism in the ’60s, but less so with his deeds afterwards…too much to get into, but there was this time he reached across the aisle to another John, McCain, and, well, let’s just say it didn’t help EITHER John’s Presidential bid any (yes, Glenn ran for Pres too, but that’s another story)…

    …anyway, God bless his wife for putting up with him through all this. After a century, I’m sure there’s many who mourn her, and may God comfort them all, but at 4×25, the Lord certainly gave her a good run.

    …the end of which will be blamed on Covid, natch…

  2. A wonderful person who was part of a generation that knew the risks, took them and advanced an entire civilization.

    Now “men” sit in the basement afraid to go work for fear the government will fine/incarcerate them if they fight to remain solvent and independent.

    I find myself thanking God that many of my older relatives checked out before they saw what society has become.

  3. @ Supernightshade MAY 20, 2020 AT 1:29 PM

    I don’t judge politicians based on their past deeds, it is only what they advocate for in office that counts. I compartmentalize their lives and judge based on that. In the case of McCain I can identify nothing positive that he accomplished, his fawning press be damned. In the case of John Glen I can admire his time as an astronaut, and say that as a Senator he was worse than useless.

    Once a person becomes a politician they are to be judged solely on whether or not they serve the public. Cults of personality have never been attractive to me.

  4. Apropos of nothing…funny John Glenn story about what he first saw in his Friendship 7 periscope…

    “I painted a naked lady with the caption that said:
    It’s just you and me against the world, John Baby.
    “I had the photo lab make a print of the drawing and gave it to a friend, Sam Beddingfield. An engineer on the pad, [he] would be able to put the lady into the periscope view and then remove her just prior to the beginning of the countdown,” says Bibby.

    As it happened, the day the drawing was put in place, the flight was scrubbed.

    “When I came into work the next morning there was a note taped to the lamp on my drawing board. The note was from John Glenn telling me he had gotten a big kick out of the drawing. He also added that I shouldn’t let anyone tell me that he was upset about the drawing.”

    “Just before John’s next launch date, I did another lady for his periscope view. She wasn’t what he expected. She was a rather frumpy old lady in a house dress. She had a mop in one hand and bucket in the other. The bucket had “Friendship” on it in the same script as his insignia on the capsule. The caption was:
    You were expecting maybe someone else, John Baby?”

    …the full story…

    …sorry, just trying to lighen it up midst another “COVID death”…

  5. John Glenn was one of the Keating Five along with McCain causing many people ruin, destruction and complete loss of their life savings. Just goes to show the power of the media, what they don’t report on influences society as much as what they do report.


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