Anonymous Democrat Congressman Writes Book To Tell Us Water Is Wet – IOTW Report

Anonymous Democrat Congressman Writes Book To Tell Us Water Is Wet

I’m not sure this is a congressman writing this book. It’s more likely someone cashing in on the anger of the electorate who want their beliefs, founded beliefs, confirmed.

‘Screw the next generation’ and ‘Harry Reid’s a pompous a**’: Democratic congressman writes Anonymous tell-all book slamming ‘nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep’ as he admits he never reads bills he votes on

  • ‘My main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everything,’ an anonymous member of Congress writes in a new book
  • ‘Voters are incredibly ignorant and know little about our form of government and how it works,’ he writes
  • ‘It’s far easier than you think to manipulate

    a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification’

  • The author is a Democrat in Congress who laid out his complaints to a long-time friend and former Capitol Hill staffer who edited them into a book
  • ‘The Confessions of Congressman X’ will be released May 24 by a small Minnesota-based ‘vanity press’ publisher 


Read more:

I’m not going to link directly to the book, only the story about the book. It doesn’t need to be read. We wrote it.

ht/ nm

11 Comments on Anonymous Democrat Congressman Writes Book To Tell Us Water Is Wet

  1. Yea right, a tell all from an anonymous democrat who hates Harry Reid and bleeds for the well being of his/her electorate. But hey he/she can do nothing about it bacuse of THE SYSTEM!

    I think Big Fur Hat is correct in smelling an author who is cashing in on a hypothetical congressman. Not an actual congressman.

  2. Tonight Mark Levin showed a clip of B Hussain O’s speechwriters
    on the Charlie Rose Show, laughing their ass off.

    Who were they laughing at? Us.

    Best comic line: “If you like your insurance you can keep it.”

    Hilarious laughter. Charlie Rose joined in

    Fooken hilarious. Right? Would I ever like to smack the shit out of all four of these smart aleck scumbags with a nine iron?.

  3. And yet, there still exist imbeciles that believe a politician is going to solve problems.
    I feel old. I remember a time when they were public servants, not dissimilar to those who picked up our trash every week. Our employees.
    Not our saviors, or our rulers. Only the left believed that.
    Now there are very few of us that have not crossed over.

  4. When Boehner called Cruz Satan or whatever, instead of Harry Reid or Pelosi, he proved himself to be a total asshole that deserved all the derision we could ever send his way.

  5. How our Federal government actually works:

    1. Most people get involved in big time party politics out of a personal existential crisis caused by the fact that they’re a useless sack of shit otherwise.

    2. Money flows into the political system via foundations associated with politicians, PACs associated with special interests, lobbyists associated with special interests, law firms associated with special interests, and campaign donations. Indirectly, the political system is affected by patronage jobs for idiot family members of politicians and catering to the demented whims of politicians and their family members.

    3. Anybody, anywhere in the world, including people who’d like nothing more than to see the US turned into a giant bonfire of rat shit and fast food wrappers can get money into the US political process. And that process decides what our laws are, what our whimsical executive policies are, what our treaties are, what our trade agreements are, what laws get enforced, and what laws get ignored.

    4. We have virtually zero elections integrity beyond the personal ethics of the people running precincts and state vote counts. See point 1 for clarification on this fact. There is no ID requirement, which translates to no real checks against non-citizens voting, voting on someone else’s registration, and voting more than once in multiple precincts. Many places do not have enough places for people to vote. The elections always take place on a common workday during business hours. So, basically, it’s a fucked system with many ways to be manipulated enough to affect close elections.

    5. Virtually every law is actually written by DC law firms hired by lobbyists, special interests groups, and PACs. Rarely do Congressmen write a goddamn word of the bills they sponsor, nor do the even read the bills they vote on. They just know the who wants it passed and if they can afford to piss that person off or not compared to some other donor who may be more or less important.

    6. What most people think is politics are just a series of narratives written by diabolical assholes for the sole purpose of keeping most people tied up arguing for every over bullshit, like abortion, gay marriage, who’s allowed in the women’s bathroom, etc. Most of these narratives exist not because they’re really important but because they distract people from the more boring and tedious aspects of governance that are actually way more fucking important.

    Add these all up, and the only conclusion one can come to is that most of what goes on in DC hasn’t got jack shit to do with what’s good for the US nor most of the people living in it. That’s why we’ve got election coming up between PT Barnum and Madam Defarge.

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